Part 9(ish)

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Okay so here's the deal. Because Thanksgiving is here I decided to do a Thanksgiving one-shot. No this is not the chapter that I really wanted to do but I hope you enjoy it!

-3rd person POV-

If you were to go to Thanks-giving with the Heroes of Olympus this is what you would find...

As Piper was hurriedly running around the kitchen she ran into Jason who was carrying a stack of plates to the gigantic table that was set up.(and trust me they know what gigantic is.) As Piper bumped into him a single plate would come flying from the stack. While all of this was happening a family of four would have come bursting through the door. The mother and the Father are both attending to their baby boy who is crying for his mommy. The mother, who's name is Annabeth notices the falling plate and gestures towards it to her daughter who then scrambles on her energetic five year old legs and catches the plate to the surprise to everyone else in the room except her parents. Piper's husband (Jason) sets down his other plates and bends down to Zoe (Percabeth's daughter).

"Why thank you little girl!" he says as he takes the plate Zoe us holding out to him. As he says this Percy stifles a laugh and tries to pass it off as a cough.

"Excuse me! I am not a little girl Mr." Zoe exclaimed.

"Like mother like daughter, although if I'm right she has a little hint of Persassy," Jason while slowly backing away while the others laughed.

"Where's Emily?" Zoe asked her mother.

"Frank and Hazel should be here with Emily very soon but they're coming with Leo and Calypso and you know how Leo can be." Annabeth replied. Just a little while later things had settled down and all of the annual guests had arrived which consisted of

Piper and Jason (son Theseus)
Percy and Annabeth (daughter Zoe, son Luke)
Frank and Hazel (daughter Emily)
Leo and Calypso (Calypso was pregnant)
Nico and Will (in the proses of adopting a daughter named Bianca)
Reyna (adopted daughter Ariel)

Now that the dishes had been brought and the table set people where finally able to sit down and eat. One problem however was that Zoe Jackson did not appreciate having to sit at the kids table, and when forced to remain there took full advantage of the situation and her 'superior' intelligence. All through the dinner you could hear her instructing the other children on the most efficient way to spread butter ad you could see her waving her little fork at Theseus Grace when he used the technique wrong. And although hectic you can expect this same tradition to go on for a very long time even though they might get busy, and Frank doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving all of these demigod friends will take any chance to be with each other because they are eternally tied together from their shared experiences.


Hey! Happy Thanks-giving! I hope you enjoyed this chapter even if you don't celebrate thanksgiving. I sure enjoyed writing it. :) if you like please



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