One of You Cheated

Start from the beginning

JG: You hadn't seen Jack in nearly 3 months. Over the summer, you and your friends decided to go on a road trip as your last adventure together. Your tears had been put aside and you all were just going to live like you were dying. When you got back three weeks later, Jack had been super distant. He never answered your texts and your calls until one day you decided to call Jack Johnson.
"y/N? What's up?" He greeted.
"I was wondering if you could help me with something."
"I don't mean to sound clingy, but Jack hasn't answered any of my calls or texts since I've gotten back. Is there something going on? Is he mad at me?"
You knew him well enough to know that his face fell.
"Something is going on and it's not your fault. He's not mad at you and you did nothing wrong."
"Then why won't he talk to me?"
"Because he started hooking up with Leigh again. (I think that's his ex😬)"
"What? But why? I thought we were fine?" You almost started crying.
"Jack can be a dick sometimes. Are you okay?"
"I don't know. I kind of just want to talk to him."
"You wanna come over?"
When you got to Johnson's house, gilinsky just randomly walked in a few minutes later.
"Hey Jack, hey Y/N." He did a double take. "Y/N?"
"Jack told me about you and Leigh."
"I'm sorry baby girl."
"I get it. You and Leigh have history and I'm just a fan." You stood to leave.
"No no. I don't even like Leigh. I was drunk and high and I'm sorry. It was a stupid mistake. I regret it and I'll never do it again."
Let's just say you and Jack ended up all right. ;)

Tay: You had gone out with Dillon and you were taking a break when Taylor asked you out. Dillon asked you out again a few weeks later and you didn't know how to say no. You felt super guilty and didn't want him to find out any other way so you told him yourself over lunch.
"What's up Y/N, you seem super nervous about something?" He asked you between bites. He had noticed you weren't eating anything which was unusual for you. "Are you feeling alright?"
You smiled slightly at him. He was such a good friend and you felt terrible that you did this to him, but you did and there's no going back now.
"I'm okay, I guess, but I have to tell you something" you tell him then feel a tear run down your cheek. He reaches across and wipes it away.
"It's alright Baby, you can tell me anything" he says sweetly.
"I cheated" you blurt out then explain to him how sorry you were but that you didn't know how to say no to Dillon. You cry harder when he looks at you with a blank face and stands up to leave.

Shawnny: He cheated on you while on tour. He hadn't talked to you in a few weeks, which was unusual for him. You figured he was just busy and would talk to you when he had time. That changed when you went to the mall with Aaliyah. You two had been friends since you and Shawn started dating and you told each other everything. Aaliyah was acting weird that day.
"Y/N, I can't hide this from you any longer" she whispers, sitting on a bench. She had just payed for your Starbucks, something must be up.
"Okay, what is it?" You ask concerned.
"It's Shawn" she tells you then puts her Starbucks down. "He met a girl on tour. At first he said he would never do it, but he cheated. I'm so sorry Y/N." She says then hugs you. You just look at her like she was speaking a foreign language. You sigh, realizing that since you two were so far apart it was bound to happen sometime.

Aaron: Knowing he would never cheat, you two were very loyal throughout most of your relationship. You didn't even think about cheating once until you ran into Sammy at a party. You fell in love with his eyes and the way he treated you like a princess. Sammy felt guilty so he decided to tell Aaron one day. You were right around the corner, hearing it all.
"Hey man, what's going on?" Aaron asks Sammy.
"Y/N cheated" he says bluntly, not wasting time. After a few minutes, Aaron manages to only say one thing.
"With who?" He asks.
"Me" Sammy replies in a whisper.
You walk out and apologize again and again, feeling horrible. You know it will take time, but eventually he will forgive you.

Carter: You were away for the weekend with your friend who had just gone through a rough break up. You didn't want to leave Carter, but it was a girl's weekend. You trusted him not to do anything stupid. That is, until you walked in on him and Maggie snuggling on the couch.
"What is going on?" You yell at him.
"Wait, who is that Baby?" Maggie asks looking towards you.
"Baby?" You yell. "You cheated didn't you! Maggie you're a whore."
"Y/N, literally all we were doing was sitting on the couch together," Carter defended.
"Carter I'm so done with your shit. I should've known this was coming. Have a nice life guys. I always knew something was up with you. I can't say I expected better of you though Maggie."

Omg so what did you guys think?? shan1479 helped me with some of these so if you want to thank her go give her a follow. I also wanted to see what you guys think of Carter. Have you abandoned him or what? I still love him just the same but I know a lot of people don't like him anymore. I'll keep writing him unless too many people object. I'm not going to convince you he's such a great role model, but he tries. I think someone (Maggie lindewhore) hurt him so he doesn't trust people well. But that doesn't make up for him not trusting the boys he's been friends with for a year and a half(?). But anyway if you want me to stop writing him, it's no skin off my back. And just wondering, are there even any Carter girls left? I wrote one Carter imagine so I know there's at least one, but yeah. Tell me if you're a Carter girl. Love you. Happy new year!!

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