Hayes for Maddy

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"Maddy's a slut. I don't know why hayes is even dating her tbh"
"Maddy isn't even pretty. Hayes should dump her for someone like me"
"Maddy's a newborn. She probably doesn't even know Hayes' real name smh"
"Make like a tree and leave bish @Y/T/N"
Tweets like these poured in everyday. And you read every single one of them, well, almost.
You ran into your bathroom and grabbed your razor, finding new places on your skin to cut. Places on your wrists and thighs had recently healed so you cut there first.
The pain was familiar and even after just having felt it a few hours earlier, you still had missed it.
You had long since begun to believe that you were worthless. And the worst part was that Hayes didn't even know.
You continued to graze the blade across your wrists for another few minutes. After you were satisfied, you wiped the blade off and put it back in its secret place. You wrapped a cloth around your wrist and headed back to your room. You didn't get on your phone, not wanting anymore hate. Maybe I am worthless, you thought. No one seems to like me. You heard someone come through the front door, but thought it was just was your siblings. You quickly jumped in bed, pulled out some homework, and hid your hand under the covers.
A few hours later your dad came up and told you goodnight. You threw your phone from your bed onto the floor. You turned over and eventually fell asleep after thinking of all the hateful comments.
You woke up in the morning with a massive headache. You threw on some sweats and and t-shirt. Today was Saturday, which you were thankful for.
You picked up your phone, immediately regretting it.
"Your ugly, worthless. I mean you should just commit."
"Your such a whore."
"One word. Commit."
"Kys bitch."
More and more hateful comments rolled in. It seemed like every second someone was thinking of something new to say.
Your eyes started to tear up and you threw your phone against the wall. You ran down the hall and went to the bathroom. You searched through the drawers until you found you pain reliever. You sat down on the floor and started to slide the blade over your thighs. The front door opened and closed. Probably just mom and dad leaving, you thought. Someone started climbing the stairs. That's not my parents, you thought. Maybe a burglar? You quickly went to the bathroom door and locked it.
You went back to the floor and started cutting yourself. Suddenly someone was banging on the door, calling your name. It sounded like Hayes, but you couldn't exactly tell.
"Maddie? Are you in there? it's me!" Hayes called.
"Uhh, yeah I'm just finishing up. I'll be out in a minute."
You hurry to clean yourself then flush the toilet, close the lid and wash your hands. When you open the door, Hayes jumps into your arms.
"Oh my gosh Maddie I'm so glad to see you! I thought you were avoiding me but now I see you've been sick. You're so pale. Come on. Let's get you to bed."
Why was Hayes so perfect?
He lead you back to the room and had you sit on your bed. You hesitantly up your arm under the covers and smiled up at Hayes.
Hayes sank down on the other side of your bed.
"So what's wrong," he asked you. "what do you have."
You were tempted I say hated-girl-itis, but decided not to.
"Oh I don't know, a little of this, a little of that," you said while flinging your arms dramatically. Hayes laughed a little, until his eyes fell onto your arms. His smile was wiped from his face. He leaned towards you, trying to grab you.
"What's on your wrist," he asked, sounding worried.
"Oh it's nothing, I just... ran into the uh... doorway."
You tried to cover it up, but he was to fast for you. He grabbed your wrist and turned it over.
"Why didn't you tell me you self-harm," Hayes asked, in a very controlled voice.
You tried to not seem like it was a big deal, but once you started to talk, your poured out all the comments that you had received; all the thoughts that had run through your head.
After you were done, Hayes crawled up onto the bed with you and put his hands around your waist. You willingly let him drag you into his lap, and he started to make little circles with his thumb on your hands.
"Baby, you aren't worthless," he said soothingly. "Your my everything. You've been my sunshine these last few months. If you don't know how important you are, then you aren't looking hard enough. You're so important. You're unique and different and that what makes you great."
He wrapped his arms around you, an kissed you on the cheek.
"You're my princess and I don't want anything to happen to her."

So here you go Maddie sorry it took so long. I have like three more imagines coming so yeah. This was written by my friend mrs_dallas_lindsey so go read her newest pref bc I wrote it and yeah happy Friday bishes

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