09- The winner

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Kageyama's pov

Kageyama was scribbling absently on the paper he had to complete when the bell freeing him from detention finally rang. He had to write an essay on "respect". Well, well, he thought a lot about it but didn't write much.

Detention was not that bad after all. Just a little long, but once again worth it. Ha.

He looked up to the clock, but something caught his eye a little further. A small red head was waiting outside the door. Hinata. He was fidgeting with the strap of his bag. He looked a little out of place, nevertheless he was exactly where he was supposed to be. Kageyama's heart clenched.

Hinata had been waiting for him?

Packing his stuff, Kageyama quickly left the classroom trying to look as unfazed as possible. On the other side, Hinata looked a little troubled. Getting closer to him, the blue eyed boy could guess he just came back from practise, a little pearl of sweat rolling down the side of his neck into his shirt. Maybe Kageyama was going to ask why the trouble. Maybe not.

Hinata jumped a little at Kageyama's sudden presence, as if he hadn't been waiting for him the past couple of minutes. Kageyama nodded as a sign of acknowledgement, and the decoy nodded too, a stiff smile on his face.

They walked off, silently. But the silence wasn't as inconfortable as you'd think it'd be. Okay, Kageyama had to admit it was a little awkward. Why wasn't Hinata talking? It terrified him.

Passing along the school's main green area leading to where Hinata usually parked his bike, Kageyama couldn't help but notice how the decoy would send him quick sideways glances. Which, was a little funny in itself since Hinata must probably be thinking his actions were discreet when they were anything but it. Kageyama wondered about what the shrimp was thinking about.

Annoyed and a little self conscious, Kageyama halted. "What?" The question came out a little harsher than he had intended, but it still has done the job, and Hinata didn't seem to mind. Instead he continued figeting with his bag's strap, which annoyed the setter even more. Kageyama arched a brow.

Hinata really was stunning.

Then the orange haired boy looked away, a shy smile growing on his lips. "Wanna practise?"
Surprised, Kageyama didn't fully grab the meaning of the question. Hinata's cheeks grew a little redder than they already were from his earlier practise and he went on : "You know, uhm I just thought it'd be fun and uhm nice, since you know you can't really practice with your detention and Daishi and all, I just thought- but it's okay, uhm I know you're bruised but- " The orange haired boy was completely blabering now, his voice quickly morphing into a mutter, as if he was trying to justify himself more for himself than for anyone else.

Putting an end to Hinata's embarrassed mess, Kageyama replied a slow "Why not." He tried his best to make it seem like it was nothing too important to him, yet his heart had jumped and maybe an extra small smile tugged at his lips.

At those words, Hinata looked up, eyes sparkling, with a broad smile stretching his cheeks as he let out a small "Waaa" before jumping a little on the spot. However, a second later the cheeky grin he adorned faded and his expression became very serious. Distressed by the sudden change of mood, Kageyama frowned interrogatively. What had he said?

"Wanna race?" Hinata's look was defiant, and a little arrogant too. The brunette's concern vanished as quickly as it had creeped. What?

Anyhow, before he could voice any of his thoughts Hinata had already broke into a mad man sprint towards the outdoors courts. It would mean his 7th consecutive win. Coming to his senses and muttering a curse along the way, Kageyama soon followed behind. This time, he had to win.

Yet Hinata had an advantage since he was already warmed up whereas the only thing Kageyama had warmed up in the last couple of hours had been his pencil. Stupid essay. Kageyama needed to win. He didn't necessarily had a reason for it but he had too.

As he ran closely behind Hinata, the distance separating them quickly narrowed as they approached the finish line. Hinata had gained speed these past few weeks or what? Breathless, Kageyama accelerated and latched onto the court. He stumbled and fell to the ground in a loud thud. In the process, part of his bakpack's content spilled on the ground but the setter didn't mind.

Mouth agape Hinata watched him, as Kageyama laughed at the ridiculous situation. The orange haired boy was also breathless, bending to slow his heart rate, but his attention was focused on a completely mad Kageyama lying on the floor, arm folded across his face, hidding his smile, half catching his breath half choking. Was he laughing?

"Guess I won." Kageyama peaked from under his arm."Bet you did!" Hinata exclaimed, laughing too now, and straightening himself up. He walked over to where Kageyama layed and as he rose his hand to help him get up, he added teasingly "wow you really wanted this bad!"

Kageyama hesitated, but threw all reluctance beside as he took Hinata's hand and got to his feet. Their hands fitted well together, he thought. When the setter finally found his balance again,  it was not long before he realised how near he was actually standing to Hinata. He gulped. Hinata was still holding his hand.  His laughter died down. The setter's and decoy's eye met and Kageyama, overwhelmed, quickly backed away, braking physical contact.

Overwhelmed had been the right word. As Kagayama had met his decoy's eyes, he had been dazed for a second. His heart had clenched painfully, and where their hands touched a jolt of something had passed. The atmosphere had been electric for less than a minute, yet it had been too much. Too much too handle. Had Hinata felt it too, or was it just him? Damn his chocolate eyes were striking.

Kageyema cleared his throat and brushed off the dust on his pants, looking at everything except the boy in front of him, brushing the electric atmosphere away in the process. "Yeah, but I still won." He say pridefully, hoping he wouldn't stutter. He hadn't.

Hinata, who was looking intently at him, shrugged. "Pff I was so proud of my 6 consecutive victories... But I guess I don't have to throw myself on the finish line to have to win though." He smiled slyly and sticked out his tongue.

At the comment, Kageyama knew it wouldn't be the last and the orange boy would gladly remind him of the incident as often as he could. The setter didn't really care. He had won. Ignoring the teasing remark, Kageyama bent down to fetch the stuff that had fallen form his bag and Hinata followed suit to help him.

They practised for an hour or two or three or so, and it had been soothing. Fun, even. Kageyama's nerves had melted magically and he felt way better once drenched in sweat and muscles sore. He was grateful of Hinata's kind gesture when he suggested they could practise volleyball. On the other end, Hinata still looked full of energy, as he always looked, but his face looked way redder than usual from the effort.

The sun had began to set, and they had to pack knowing both of their families were probably waiting for them. The way it glowed sent streaks of gold into Hinata's hair and eyes that made him look like the sun itself.

Hinata talked a lot as they went to grab his bike and exit the infrastructure, and it almost felt as if nothing had ever happened. No drama, just them.

As they walked home, a peaceful silence fell upon them. It had nothing to do with the silence from earlier that afternoon. Something in the air had shifted, not in an unpleasant way. He glanced at Hinata's golden profile as he pushed his bike beside him, and decided that he liked that shift.

Nevertheless, Akagi would be coming back to school tomorrow. So maybe Kageyama was winning today, but it wouldn't last long. Ugh.

Hey I'm not dead

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