08- The King of the court

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Hinata's pov

Kageyama was definetly acting very weird.

Hinata kept furrowing his eyebrows every now and then, giving a quick side glance to Kageyama in an attempt to try figuring him out. It was hopeless. The raven haired boy was unreadable.

Kageyama's facial expression was set straight, as if so deep in thought that he was resting elsewhere, someplace not so pleasant. Since his cold blue eyes were deeply focused, an opportunity presented itself to the orange haired boy and Hinata took it. It was in those moments that Hinata could stare shamelessly at the setter's profile. The muscles in Kageyama's hard jaw kept contracting as he furrowed his eyebrows. Even though he had gone through a serious beating, Kageyama still managed to look cool and that didn't set with Hinata. How?! Yes, it was true that the black haired boy's complexion was nowhere near perfection, yet this close the decoy could see the small details of his friends' face, such as that little scar Kageyama had above his cristal eye that he never dared to ask about. Anyhow Hinata couldn't help but wonder if... if one day.... *ARGH STOP THINKING THAT WAY*

Shoyo shook his reddening head, trying to clear his thoughts and looking awkwardly around, scared that someone in class could have somehow read his intrusive thoughts. He sat up straighter in his very unconfortable wooden chair, unconfortably trying to appear as confortable as possible.

Hinata needed to figure out what was up with his setter. And more than figuring him out, Hinata needed to sort things out on his side too.

What Kageyama had done was not acceptable, and even though he tried to play it cool, he was definetly unsettled. Should Hinata forgive him so easily? What was he supposed to say? How is he supposed to react? What the fuck was this kind of situation?

"Ouch!" Hinata jumped, startled: the boy ruling not only the court but also his thoughts had elbowed him in the stomach. Kageyama's expression was blank, only a small glint of curiosity could be read in his eyes for those who knew him.

"Whaat?" Annoyed, Hinata puffed as he rolled his eyes, giving him an accusing look.

"You look weird when you think too much." Pause. It was said as a matter of fact but oddly sounded more like a pending question. An unsaid statement. Maybe Kageyama can read my thoughts after all... Neither boy said anything, engaged in what must have looked like a staring contest from afar. Kageyama seemed to hesitate before adding. "What were you thinking about?" His head slightly tilting to the side, unaware of having caught a deer in headlights.

How could Hinata answer him frankly? He wouldn't dare meet Kageyama's so very blue eyes if only he knew an ounce of what was going on in the depths of the brown eyed boy's mind. Stray thoughts lurking but still there. Dangerous thoughts.

Before Hinata could rush a high pitched 'nothing' that would have thrown him away a 100%, a very upset female voice interrupted him. Their history teacher. In most times, her interruptions weren't welcome, but Hinata had to admit she was right on time for this one.

Pleased, Hinata broke eye contact with Kageyama and looked rather aggressively at the board where a rather simple lesson was written. Nevertheless, as boring as the idea sounded, Hinata needed an escape and this one seemed just like perfect. He heard Kageyama sight and mutter something in the lines of "Dumbass" while rumbling in his pencil case in search of something. Maybe he's searching for some manners HA he surely needs a few Hinata smiled. Maybe things would be all right after all.


Hinata swifly ran a hand on his sweaty forehead, out of breath but utterly focused. Volleyball has always been more than just a sport for him. It's always been more than just fun. It was true when his mother joked around saying volleyball was his life. It meant everything to him. He had to keep playing and keep improving.

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