03. Jealousy

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Kageyama's pov

The day seemed to pass slowly and Kageyama's nerves weren't really helping. If Kageyama thought this day couldn't get any worst, once more he was wrong.

It was only this afternoon that things began becoming complicated. At least more complicated than they already were.

He hadn't understood a thing in none of his courses and he hadn't seen Hinata in none of his pauses. Even at lunch time, when they usually eat together. Kageyama couldn't help but think Hinata was either deliberately ignoring him or that Akagi had took Hinata in hostage.

They weren't in the same class, which once more did not help. Further more, Hinata and Akagi were in the same class, Kageyama's face darkening whenever he thought of it. The setter was sure Akagi was brainwashing the decoy and forced him, in a way, to stay with him. Argh. That jerk.

The day slowly continued. Kageyama could recall every single tick and tock of the clock as the minutes had seemed to grow longer and longer as time flew by. Finally, the bell rang the end of the day.

Kageyama let out an enormous sigh, caught up in his thoughts. Hinata always was on his mind. Nearly haunting him. Eating away his soul. Well at least in a way, I mean, not that it was THAT negative.

The setter slowly packed his bag, taking his time therefor he was dispensed from practise and no one was waiting for him, as Hinata usually does.

In the seat next to him, sat a girl. The only thing Kageyama could remember about her is that she talked a lot and that she was really annoying. This girl had black eyes and black hair, nothing made her really special, nothing in her apparence stood out to him. She was classic.

But this time, having nothing better to do, he peeked on her conversation with her friend, also on a table near staking her books into her bag.

"Omigosh, have you heard?" Girl #1 exclaimed. Answered by a questionning look from her friend half listening, she went on, lowering her voice as if it was confidential "You know! About... Akagi and Hinata"

Kageyama stopped breathing. Wait what?

Getting the full attention of Girl #2 AND Kageyama, girl #2 replied "What?? Are they a thing now?" She looked around stunned, waiting for Girl #1 to nod, which she did.
"Waaah I'm shook! Oh wait, you're kidding! Aren't you?"

"Wut?" Girl #1 pouted "No! I promess!! But not yet! But..." she paused, looking around to make sure no one was hearing and empathising what she was going to say next " Akagi told me, in fact he has told quite a bunch of people, he was going to ask Hinata to be his boyfriend after class, cause he said he was sure now."

She nodded and looked at her friend, proud knowing something her friend didn't. That one was looking at her with wide eyes.

"Whaaaat ? Wow, no way!" She was half screaming, putting her hands to her mouth. "You must be kidding me." Girl #2 was having a really bad time believing it.
"I know right?" Girl #1 nodded once more, and sent her hair flying.

It seemed like they were both hyperventilating. "OMIFREAKINGGOD, THEY D BE SO CUTE TOGETHER"

Kageyama couldn't hear more. He didn't want to hear more. That was too much. Impossible. Akagi asking Hinata out? What? Whaaaat? No way. He never thought of it that way! He thought that the guy just wanted to be Hinata's friend and also did that to annoy him, but a love story? Wow. Kageyama couldn't beleive it. All along, Akagi was in love with Hinata, and he didn't have a clue of it! That's why he was so pissed when Hinata was telling him he had plans with Kags, and would rather choose Kageyama over him. Knowing that, Kageyama felt his anger towards the jerk grew even bigger than it was before.

Jealous - a KAGEHINA fanfic Where stories live. Discover now