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excuse any mistakes
Read in black mode

Don't play the music! Until u get to the phone scene or the car scene

10:53 A.M.| MIAMI

"Omg no bitch!! He behind you bitch!" I screamed at the tv. "Don't look in the mirror... don't." I shook my head.

The bitch looked in the mirror. "Stupid!" I stuck my middle finger up at the tv.

"See this why I don't watch movies with your loud ghetto ass." She mugged at me and turned the tv up.

Me and couture was watching this Scary movie on Netflix. Netflix scary movie usually not scary but this one was.

I screamed when he stab her through her mouth and put the blanket over my face.

"Scary ass.." couture mumbled. I peeked from under the blanket to see was it gone.

"Is it gone." I asked hiding under the cover.

"Yea." I took the cover from off my face seeing the man was eating the girls tongue.

See that's that white folks shit😖

(No offense to anyone)

I threw a pillow at Couture. "You flaw af for lying." I repeatedly hit her with the pillow making her push me out the bed.

She stretched over and gave me her hand, I look at it taking it and pulling her down with me.

We both bust out laughing laying on the floor.

My phone went off with a IMessage notification. I didn't feel like texting whoever it was back so I didn't waste no time to check.

I went in the restroom to go pee. I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and was on my way in my room until my grandma yelled my name.

"SHANTIE!" I sighed walking in her room.

"Good morning to you to...Ms.Cheetos." I sat on the edge of her bed.

She looked at the bag of Cheetos smacking with one in her hand. "You eating my Cheetos?" I sighed.

"These my Cheetos I bought this yesterday and this my appetizer for breakfast-" she stopped a mugged me. I cut her off.

"Appetizer for breakfast?" I scrunched my face up.

"Yea.. yea I'm warming up." She bite into the Cheeto. "And and and." She tried to talk with a full mouth.

I mocked her. "And and and what." I took the Cheetos and ran out her room with them eating them.

"KEEP ON! and see won't I buss ya." She yelled slamming her door.

I walked back in my room checking my notifications seeing I had two missed calls from Major and two texts.

I sighed locking my phone. I noticed Couture was gone. I was about to text her until my bathroom door opened.

"I thought-" I stopped once I seen it was not Couture. I backed up picking up my phone.

Major wiped his hands off on his pants. "Sit down with your scary ass." I rolled my eyes sitting down crossing my arms.

He stood over me staring at me.

"What you here for anyways." I scrunched my face up backing up away from.

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