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excuse any mistakes
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My prayers goes out to anyone that have every been sexual assaulted or is going through it.🙏🏽
play the song for better reading.

6:30 A.M.| MIAMI

2 months

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2 months... I went two whole months with being sexual assaulted. Last night I watched the man that took my virginity away from me die. He died right in front of my eyes, I couldn't do anything but turn the other cheek.

Forgetting is difficult remembering is worse. I have to remember for the rest of my life. I have to remember his face and his name.

I wish I had a delete button in my life. To delete all the memories from these past two months.

He took away my freedom in my own skin. I remember him pushing himself inside of me, I may not remember all of the details but I'll never forget feelings his weight on top of me.... of not being able to breathe.

No it was not consensual. No... he raped me

I put my headphones in my ears and laid down in my bed with my covers over my cold body. I let the music consume me as I fell asleep with tears falling down my cheeks.

"This is Fred Salvatore reporting live as fifty five year old Officer Murray and his three year old daughter was found dead in his home on nineteenth avenue north last night. No one is yet to have any information on these two deaths, if anyone know anything please call (305)454-1356. back to Carl."

I grabbed my remote turning off the tv, throwing the remote at it breaking down crying.

I felt sick, I felt broken I was feeling hopeless, lost I guess I was a mess. But most of all I'm scared.. I wish I couldn't feel.

I heard a knock at my door. I quickly wiped my tears.

"Come in.." I lowly spoke. I looked up seeing Scope come in my room leaving the door open. I guess he knew I felt uncomfortable because he didn't come closer he stood at the door with his arms crossed looking my in my eyes. I looked away breaking eye contact.

He walked over to me lifting my chin up. "Chin up kid, they'll kill to see you fall."

I looked at him feeling a tear fall down my face. "In the end they'll judge me so whatever." I looked away playing with my fingers.

"I can't sleep.. my mind won't shut off."

"Please make it stop." I broke down crying. He walked over to me holding me in his arms. My sister came in rushing to us joining the hug.

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