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It startled you at first, but you ignored it, might've been your minds imagination, then you heard it again and again. Your feet carried you to the sound. You found yourself infront of a small square lining in a wall. You slowly picked up the courage and your fingers to reach for the safe. It slid open before you could touch the encasing. A small rock sat idle in it. Such a secretive place for a small item. Your fingers still trembling; aching to touch the crystal. Your fingers barely touched a small part of the crystal. In an instant, every flashback of your life came running to your mind, especially the worst parts; the memories that were locked didn't bulge. You fell on your hands and knees, breathing heavily. A voice from behind making you a gasp. "It called to you", the tall, brooding masked figure emerged from the dark. His voice flabbergasted you.

"Master", you quickly kneeled. "I....Forgive me, I don't know why I was there", you stuttered.

The mask figure chuckled. "So uneducated in this matter. Sad.", he placed his hands on his mask, fingers touching the back, and with a hiss; off came his mask.

"Go on, touch it", he jerked his head towards the crystal.

You reluctantly took the crystal to your palms; looking back at him for the reassure, he never provided and squeezed it tightly.
It's as if your whole body knew what to do with the crystal. Your nails digging in your palms as your eyes remained closed; slowly getting a grip of your breathing patterns. Your lashes fluttered open, and you slowly straightened your fingers; uncovering a once colorless crystal, beaming different colours. A wide smile touched your lips, you quickly cleared your throat looking up at Kylo.
Waiting for his command.

He didn't answer at first. His eyes burned through you. You didn't know if his gaze was of surprise or fear. "Master?", your brows furrowed. Your words broke his trance; he cleared his throat. His fingers as usual were interlocked on his back. Not long after, he slowly walked over to a slim hatch beside him. The hatch slid open to the sides on his command. He picked up a hilt.

"The black and gold will compliment you with built-in in vibro-generator", Kylo stared at the hilt, it was  miniature item on his large hands, he detached the end of the hilt, making it smaller

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"The black and gold will compliment you with built-in in vibro-generator", Kylo stared at the hilt, it was  miniature item on his large hands, he detached the end of the hilt, making it smaller. Small enough to be a 'Katanas hilt'.

"What are you waiting for, make another mold" he eyed the crystal on your palms. You were shocked by Kylo's attitude, he was not the Supreme Leader, just a normal man conversing with another woman. This is the most humane conversation, you had with him. You were directly standing across from him. You walked and grabbed another pile of phrik metals, and turned the burner on, waiting for it to heat up. You walked over to the almost solid mold, you exasperated at the thought of doing all of it, all over again. "And melt the crystal with the phirk", his hand pointing at the bowl.
You dropped the pieces of metal along with the crystal into the laddle. Kylo advanced, watching the metal melt; like he knew what he was doing. You rubbed your palms on the sides of the protective suit and began to walk towards Kylo; who immediately lifted his arm, ordering you to stop immediately, you pouted and started breaking the old mold before it fully turned solid.
"Something isn't right", he sighed.
"Yeah, well, its a technique. You add some more phrik after the melting of the first batch is done. It helps the metal soften easier to hammer", you were nervous whilst answering him.

FOR HER HONOR ONLY | Kylo Ren Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin