"Oh, yeah, definitely. Thank you. Actually, is there a restroom I can use before I head out?" Sid asked really sweetly, even cocked her head to the side like a pitiful little puppy.

"Yes, right down that hall."

"Thanks." She gripped the card in her fist as she strode off toward the bathroom. She passed rows of Persian art that flanked the wall until she reached the restrooms. She peeked over her shoulder, the hostess was tied up with customers. Sid kept walking right on to the kitchen. She eased through the double doors. 

Carmen wasn't hard to spot. The only woman in the kitchen with four men working steadily around her, she held a piece of grilled chicken between her manicured fingers and chatted with one of the guys casually. Not busy at all. There were only three tables occupied in the dining room this time of day. Sid knew better. Carmen's eyes met Sid and she almost choked on that damn chicken.

"Sidney! Oh my god. How long has it been?" She threw the last bite of chicken in her mouth and dusted her fingers on the hem of her white chef's coat.

Sid thought of saying something bitchy but then remembered why she was there. Ultimately she wanted to ask for a favor.

"Too long! You look great." The pleasantries went on for a bit before she invited Sidney upstairs into her small but well-furnished office. It even had a window. Sid hadn't been in an office with a window for years. This was where she was supposed to be. She could imagine herself in that seat, running a kitchen like this one. It'd be stressful but so rewarding. She just needed someone to give her a damn break. She took a deep breath and launched into her spiel.

"I'm actually in the market for a new gig. I wanted to kind of move on and use my skills in a larger restaurant. Was hoping you might have an opportunity here."

"Where were you working?"

"The Grazie." Sid cleared her dry throat and rubbed at the flesh beneath the ripped knee of her jeans. She wore a black peplum top that hid her back fat and tummy pudge perfectly, with black flats. She looked put together but cool. Casual but ready for business.

"Grazie, Grazie...hmm...never heard of it. But there's so many restaurants in this town. Can't know 'em all right? Italian cuisine I'm guessing. You were Line or Sous there?" Carmen's phone lit up and she answered it, barked a demand, and then hung up with a smile at Sid. Her throat was growing increasingly dry and she seemed to have begun sweating for no reason at all in the air-conditioned office.

"Manager actually...assistant manager."

There it was. That look. That pitiful freaking look that everyone seemed to take on. It's like they sat there and did the mental comparison of where they were in life against where Sid was and they realized how short she came up. How little progress she'd made in the same amount of time they had. It was leveling each time. But Sidney was learning to smile through it. She discovered several mantras on Instagram that helped her through her hardest days. It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you don't give up. Oh and, Life isn't a race. Find joy in the journey.

"Cool, well, I'd love to help but we don't currently have any openings." Carmen gave her the "I'm so sorry" face. Sid reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.

"I saw here on your website that you guys need a prep cook. I mean, you've seen my work, Carmen. I'm sorry...Car..." Sid gave her knowing grin, "We used to prep together all the time in school. I even taught you a few things."

Carmen plastered that pathetic grin on her face again and picked at her perfectly manicured nails. No really, how were they that perfect when she worked with food and washed her hands all day? Did she just get them done?

"Look, I'd love to help, really, but this place...really needs," She rotated her hands in the air like she was trying to find the right words. Words that wouldn't sound as offensive as whatever it was that she really wanted to say.

"...really needs a prep cook, it seems." Sid urged. Carmen stopped the rotating hands and dropped them into her lap.

"Sid, there are some really skilled people out there. Just in the time since we've left school things have gotten tougher. Constant need for innovation and fresh ideas. This is a Michelin Star establishment. And it's just...you haven't touched a kitchen since school..." She furrowed her brow like she was so sorry for Sid. "How am I going to justify that to the owners?"

Sid couldn't form words. She knew it was bullshit. Carmen was Head Chef. She wouldn't have to justify a prep cook hire. She just didn't want Sid. She rubbed at her knee some more hoping it would stamp down the anger that was rising in her. It was more than she could take. To sit here and have someone who's very ass she saved tell her that she was stale. Yesterday's news. That if she hired her it would be a pity hire. Sid ran circles around her in the kitchen and Carmen...No...stupid fucking Car, knew it.

"I get it. Thank you." Sid slung her purse back on her shoulder and rose from the seat. She was getting ready to leave but she felt defeated. Like Carmen had knocked her down. She turned back toward her.

"How's Ryan by the way? Last saw he was with some model. I mean, just drop-dead gorgeous."

Carmen swallowed and the pale skin of her face became red. That's it. Just what Sid was looking for.

"Ah, well. The place is beautiful! Have a good one." Sid threw her the peace sign and skipped out of the office, down the stairs and out of the restaurant. She grilled those stupid tiny cranes on her way out and hope that the girl got her ass chewed out for Sid sneaking back.

As good as that felt, she still didn't have a job. She pulled out her phone and pulled up her contacts. Once she found Carmen's name. She scrolled to the bottom of the contact info and pressed the 'delete contact' button.

"Bitch," Sidney muttered to herself as her phone asked her if she was sure she wanted to delete the contact. Oh, yeah. She was absolutely sure. She wouldn't need that number again. After deleting Carmen's info she searched through for another lead. She wondered if her friend Viv was still working at Antoni's a few blocks away. She headed off in that direction. 


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