Bradley Walker and Shadow China

Start from the beginning

Thomas pauses, "Oh." Then you hear him call, "Bye, guys! I need to go! Iris has gone into labor!"

You hear Dylan screech, "WHAT!? Iris is going to be a Momma!"

"And Thomas is going to be a Daddy!" Ki shouts.

"Tell her I said good luck!" Will calls.

Thomas mutters into the phone, "Will says good luck."

"Wait, no! I want to come!" Dylan says.

"Dylan, the last thing she needs is a bunch of distructive boys running around her hospital room while she's giving birth." Will says.

"But Iris NEEDS our support!"

"Become a mid wife. Then you can go support her."

"Haven't I ever told you? I AM mid wife! Graduated first in my class! They called me Baby Birthin' Dylan!" He says.

"Do you have any idea how incredibly stupid you just sounded?" They start to fade out.

You hear Thomas walk out the door, "I'll be there soon."

"Hurry." You plead.

"I will. You should start getting ready. Grab some towels to sit on. Some things that you'll want and need." He says.


"Okay. Bye."

- - - -

Thomas POV:

"Can't you run the red light?" Iris groans.

"No. There are cars going by. We'd be hit. And we'd die."

"We need lights to put on top of our car to show that this is an EMERGENCY."

The light turns green. I step on the gas and we pull forward.

"Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster." Iris mutters, "Yes, please little grandma car in front of us. Please go UNDER the speed limit. That makes so much scence when you're in the freaking FAST LANE."

Oh, boy.

This is going to be a fun day.

For both me and Iris.

- - - -

She took the epidural.

Thank goodness.

I found out today that Iris does not work well under pain.

She's already asked about five people if she could punch them.

Said it would make her feel better.

I almost let her.

However, i would like to keep my arm, so I didn't.

Right now, I'm trying to comfort her.

I don't think it's working.

"It'll be okay, babe. Don't worry, flower, I'm right here. It'll all be fine." I say.

She gives me a look somewhere in between, "Shut up, you idiot." And "IT WILL NOT BE OKAY!"

Sweat beads her forhead as she groans and pushes.

The doctor stands next to her, "Just keep pushing. You've got seven centimeters so far, you're almost done with the first."

She cries out, tears falling down her face, "Oh, gosh! I've got to do this again!"

She starts crying, which distresses the doctor greatly, "No, no, dont loose focus!"

She calms herself and looks at the ceiling, practicing her breathing exercises.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now