A metalbender uses and bends a string of cable out of the crane and it loops itself around a hook under the airship to connect the metal cable to the airship. The two other metalbenders subsequently bend and
build intricate stairway for the airship's passengers.

Bolin runs out excitedly while the rest walks calmly. Lin still slumped on the seat
Asami and Tanei noticed this and stopped to face Lin "Aren't you coming?"

"yeah chief, aren't you?" Tanei gave her mother a look.

"What's there to see? It's metal. Big whoop. Just find the airbender and let's get moving. Don't tell anyone I'm here." Lin hissed

Tanei sighs as she  her arms together as Korra interjects "Why not?"

"I don't need to explain myself to you," Lin points at the team as she continues "just do what I say."

"Fine." Korra muttered, clearly annoyed by how Lin is acting. She then rolled her eyes and walked away "You got it, chief crankypants."

Tanei tried to have an eye contact with her mother but Lin already averted her gaze from them. She gave up, letting out another defeated sigh and assured the rest to carry on outside.

The group exits the airship, where they are greeted by a man in green and yellow robes and two metal clan escorts "Avatar Korra it is an honor to meet you." He bows with his hands clasped together "my name is Aiwei."

"Thanks for having us." Korra bows back
Tanei walked to stand next to Korra and bows "Hello Aiwei, its good to see you."

Aiwei smiled at Tanei remembering her familiar face "ah little dearie Tanei, well not so little now are we." they both laughed

"Is this everyone?" Aiwei glanced back at Korra


Korra looks behind and back at Aiwei "Just us. So, can I meet the new airbender?"

Aiwei gestured for the team to follow him, as the escorts close down the dock


They are currently in a tram, Bolin looks out excitedly when they pass a statue of Toph BeiFong "That statue honors the first metalbender Toph BeiFong, Tanei's grandmother and the one who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of." Aiwei briefly motions a hand towards Tanei.

"Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his, or her, highest potential."

"Does Toph live here? Are we going to get to meet her?" Bolin asked giddily, eyes sparkling with excitement

"I'm afraid not," Bolin sighed and limps his arms down "She would visit from time to time, but years ago she left to wander the
world, in search of enlightenment."

Bolin turned to Tanei and asked in a hushed tone "did you get to meet her Tanei? What was she like?" Tanei scrunched her face and began stroking her chin in an act to form words to describe her grandmother.

"well yes, she did train me before and let's just say mother and her is not really that different." she flashed a mischievous smile at bolin.

"Oh wow, that's probably why your so amazing!"

"I mean there's not many that can lavabend and metalbend at the same time" Bolin gingerly basked her in compliments.

Tanei slightly faltered from his words but managed to cover it up with a grin, patting Bolin on the back as they watch the tram continue its path and heads for the edge of Zaofu, stopping at the terminal.

"Wow, Is this where the airbender lives?" Korra asked, completely at awe with the place.

"Yes. But first, her mother wants to meet you"


They were standing inside a dance studio, where eight dancers are rehearsing on a flattened metal lotus flower. They fire metal cables to the ceiling, and four of them swing upward before landing, while the four bottom dancers bend the petals for their team-mates to land on.

The dancers bounce from petal to petal, before jumping to the middle, where the flower closes. The dancers opens the flower, where the inside dancers pose with graceful poise.

Tanei found herself get mesmerized by a certain dancer with a long braided hair, and according to her has a pair of gorgeous eyes. Without realizing, her full attention was placed on that dancer that she did not notice Korra talking.

"Is this some kind of combat training?"

"Not exactly, they are rehearsing for a dance premiere next month." Aiwei corrects

Suyin turns to see the group and eventually claps to her dancers "that's it for today everyone." she then starts walking to them.

"Allow me to introduce the matriach of
the metal clan, Suyin." Aiwei introduces

"Please call me Su." Suyin presses a fist into her palm as a greeting "Great to finally meet you, Avatar Korra."

All of them reciprocated the bow and shot Suyin a smile. Tanei strides closer whilst reaching her arms to hug Suyin "Su, It's a pleasant to see you. You look radiant as always."

Suyin chuckled and hugged her niece back with a smile grazing her lips "Tanei, you've grown so much! How are you?"

"I'm doing well. I missed you all, I should've have visited more." Tanei's eyes sparked, genuinely happy to be reunited with Suyin.

"That's alright dear I know you are a busy woman now." Suyin reassured while holding both Tanei's hands. Tanei was trying to find words to reply but she ended up choosing to send Suyin a tight lipped grin instead before setting back and stood next to Korra.

"You never told us you've been here before!?" Korra leans in to whisper yell at her. Tanei sent her an apologetic smile and mouthed a 'sorry'

"And this must be Mako, Bolin, and Asami." Suyin stated enthusiastically

"You've done your research." Mako replied, quite impressed.

"I make it my business to know who's visiting my city."

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