"Likewise," Josh grins, unaware of the discomfort.

"We were on our way leaving before you all came," I quickly say, praying that we just slick away without any more questioning.

"It's quite late to see you out here Is, should we all just go grab dinner out?" Nessa asks, looking between me and Josh.

"No," I interject before Josh can say anything. "I was going home already and so was Sky."

Nessa pouts, "I thought it'll be a chance to know Sky more. He is a friend, right?"

I glance at Sky who wasn't looking all that weird anymore and had a barely there smile on. I can't help the little warmth that creeps up my neck, "yeah, he is."

"Interesting. So?"

"Maybe next time," Sky speaks up, "I have somewhere to be now anyways."

"Aw," Nessa finally gives in. "Hope to see you around then."

"Same here," he nods at Josh who waves at us both before retreating back to his motorcycle.

Nessa fixes me a look before she pulls the black helmet on, "don't be home late else I didn't see you."

"Either ways, you didn't see me," I tell her remembering the note I left at home saying I'd be at Jamal's.

"Israel Taylor," she laughs, getting on the bike after Josh. She waves just as the bike roars to life and zooms away.

I let out a heavy sigh of relief after they are gone and it's just a cloud of dust left in front of us. Sky's chuckle brings me back to the present.

"Your sister is really pretty and looks like she'd be fun."

I nod, "when she isn't looking for my trouble, she's okay."

"Do you think you're going to get into any trouble at home?"

I shake my head answering sincerely, "I don't think so."

"And is it bad that we've met?" He asks and I can tell he's measuring his words.

"I don't think so."

Sky nods, walking back to the driver's seat and I to the passenger's seat. We successfulness get in now with no other disruptions and it's when we're on the road that I ask.

"Charlotte's your late cousin?"

"Yes," he answers curtly, not blinking away from the road in front of him. The frown he has on is a rare one, one ridden with thoughts and a side of him I don't get to see often.

"I'm sorry Josh brought her up," I apologise itching to touch him even if just this once. Sky doesn't answers me, seeming far too gone in his own thoughts— so I do it. I move my hand to his thigh and he slowly lowers his eyes to it. When he looks at me, I quickly take my hand back, "sorry."

He smiles, like he wasn't the one deep in thoughts a second ago but this time there was a crack in the all is chipper mask . I could either see through him now or it was getting harder to keep up the facade with me.

"It's fine."

No it's not but we don't go into the details. The car ride back to my house is more silent and we both don't say anything else. Sky turned on the radio, keeping to himself and occasionally drumming his finger on the wheel while I just rest my head on the glass, looking out at the town I have spent all my life in.

I wish I can make it all stop. I wish the questioning would end. I wish I can stop all the hurt, the pain, the disgust, the everything interfering with happiness. I want Sky free from whatever that's bothering him and I want to be happier. I'm not sure if it's with Sky or someone else but I want to be happier. I don't want to over analysis every single thing, I want to be freer. I want to be happier.

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