"Fluttershy, Dear, when did she get here?"

"She was here before m-me. To be honest, it surprised me as well when I saw her here this e-early." She explained to Rarity and Applejack.

They both looked at Sunset, who was clearly scared.

"Sunset dear, is everything alright with you?" Rarity asked her, concerned.
Sunset's eyes softened a little as she nodded.

"Why are ya awake this early anyways?"

Sunset un-latched herself from Fluttershy so she was fully see able.
"Just had a bad dream.." her hands started playing with the end of her skirt.

"S-Sunset is just having some issues, B-but she's mostly fine."

Sunset felt a little uncomfortable around the others. She needs to open up to them more, slowly yes, but she needs to spend some time alone with all of them.

"God, I feel like I'm going to vomit.."

"Uh? Sunset?"

Sunset noticed that she said it out loud and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Sorry.. I just feel really nervous right now.."
"It's alrigh' Sunset. We understand."

A small smile crept onto Sunset's lips. But it soon faded away as she saw her main bullies in this school.

Trixie, Sugar Crash and Gilda(ik Gilda wasn't Canon in EQG(I think-) but for the sake of this fanfiction she is.).

She looked for a place to hide. She saw a bush nearby which was perfect for her size.
She got up from the stairs and ran into the bush.

"Sunset what are ya-"
"Wait you've already seen her?"

Applejack turned to see Trixie right in front of her. Applejack backed up a little from her because she wanted her personal space.

"Why in the name of hay are ya askin' that?"

Gilda smirked giving some glances towards the three other girls.
"We just wanted to have a little talk with the she-demon."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Why do you care? It's not like you guys are ACTUALLY friends with her."

Then it went to silence. Applejack wanted to fight back with a response but couldn't think of any.
"That's what I thought. Anyways, where is she?"

"She is uh-"
"She went that way!" Rarity cut off Applejack, pointing to a shop in the distance.
"Heh thanks, losers. Let's go."
They walked to the direction where Rarity pointed. It was honestly somehow a believable lie she told them.

"Rarity, what the hay?!" Applejack yelled at her.
"Darling, do you actually want to tell where she is?"
"No but Ah never lie!"
"And that is why I came to the rescue."

Applejack was mentally done with Rarity and sat down on the stairs.
Fluttershy was just glancing at the both and having no words to speak.

Then they heard a sound, a sound coming from the bush. You know, that sound when you're in pain and you breath through your teeth? Yeah, that sound.

"Sunset? Why are ya still in that bush, and are ya okay?"

"I'm definitely not getting her out since I just painted my nails a few minutes ago."
"More like an hour ago but whatever.."
Applejack got up and went towards the bush. She moved the bushes and found Sunset. Except she had blood on her jacket and her arm was bleeding.

"Get this beanch out of my arm!"
Applejack pulled Sunset out of the bush and started inspecting her arm.
"How did it get in ya arm anyway?"
"I think I kind of fell on a wrong spot and then when I moved too quick, it went in my arm."
Applejack pulled the small branch while it made Sunset wince in pain.

"Does one of ya have any medical things with ya?"
Fluttershy quickly got up and searched her bag. She found a small med-kit in her bag and gave it to Applejack.
Applejack quickly opened it and took some medical stuff out.

"Now Sunset, this is goin' to hurt a lil'."
She started maneuvering(its the right word, right?) the stick. Sunset was crying out in pain. It hurt Applejack as much as it hurt Sunset. Eventually though, she got it out. She placed the bloodied branch on the ground and took off Sunset's jacket.

She started applying things for her arm. She tried to do this as quickly as possible, but at the same time she didn't want to hurt her.

"There, now everythin' should be fine now."
"Thanks Applejack. You're a life saver, you too, Rarity and Fluttershy."
Rarity sighed in content.
"For a second I thought you forgot about us."

Everyone giggled at Rarity. Applejack put all the left over medication back in the kit and gave it back to Fluttershy.

After some chit chat, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash eventually came. Same with the Principle's. Then alot more people came to the school as the first period was soon about to start.

'I hope no one will know my feelings about Twilight.'

A/N: I am so sorry for not making a chapter in so long. This chapter took me AGES to finish. The stick part didn't make any sense but just let it be cuz I worked on this for too long. I lost so much motivation for this chapter that it's ridiculous.

I really hope that you enjoyed this part. It was really weird, yes but I think it made sense nonetheless.

A sunset's last shimmer. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें