Chapter 3

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Alright, before we start this chapter I just wanted to say that this chapter happened many weeks after. The bullies got detention for two weeks, Celestia and Luna asked Sunset what happened and she could always come to them if she had any problems. And still, Sunset didn't be-friend the five girls. Because she didn't want them to get hurt because of her. Snips and Snails got out of detention after Sunset apologized to them.

Now that that is out of the way. Let's continue with the story! :)






Sunset was walking through the hallways, hearing every insult from the other students.

"Go kill yourself!"

One of the students yelled at her. She stopped for a moment.
'Kill.. Myself?'
She forced herself not to cry and breakdown in front of everyone. Everyone would laugh at her and have no sympathy for her.

She decided that on lunch time, she would go to the bathroom. She knew what she wanted to do.
When she made it to her locker she saw that some people have written things like "She-demon", "monster" and alot more mean things on her locker. She opened it and a few notes fell out, basically all of them saying those same things.

She couldn't bother to read through all of them and just went straight to class.


"How can she still show her face in this school?"

"Look at her, being all miserable."

Sunset looked at her desk, not paying attention to anything. The teacher did eye some students but ignored it.

Someone suddenly tapped her shoulder. She looked at the student, who had a evil kind of smirk on their face. They were handing a note to Sunset, which the note itself was just crumpled up. She took it anyways.

She tried to unfold the paper, trying to see what they had given to her.

Of course, her heart stopped beating for a second. The note hurt her in so many ways.

(probably Y'all would be asking what it is saying so I'll just basically write it down-)


Hey demon.

Why don't you do us all a favor and go jump off a building and never come back?

It's not like anyone would care, or would notice at all.

Besides, you're just a waste of space to everyone anyway.


She kept staring at the note. Every sound was blocked from her ears.

She couldn't hear anything.

She couldn't see anything clear.

She couldn't change herself for the better.

Sunset got up, still holding the crumpled note. The teacher looked at her quizzically.

She took all her stuff and left the classroom, leaving nothing behind.
Everyone gasped from this, some even snickered.

Sunset didn't care where she was going. She just wanted to escape this hell hole. Wanted to leave this hell hole.

'I'm done. I'm not coming back here. I'm just going to wait for the portal to open up again so I can leave. I'm tired of trying anymore. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired. But why is it so hard for me to leave this school?'

'No.. I can't leave yet.. I have to keep on trying.. I'll just go to the bathroom.'

As she still walked, her school bag over her shoulder, she went to the girls bathroom.

She got inside a stall, locking it.
She searched for something in her pocket.

'I know I put it in here before I came to school.'
She was still searching until some kind of pain went through her fingers. She quickly got them out of her pocket to check.
'Well, I think I found it.'

She took some toilet paper to cover her bleeding fingers. It wasn't that much blood but she wanted to make sure it didn't get anywhere.

[Warning: Self-harm related stuff coming up. It doesn't last long but I'm still warning you people in case any of you is uncomfy with that kind of topic.]

She put her okay hand in the pocket and found what she was searching for.

A razor blade.

'I guess this will come in handy for the first time.'

She rolled up her sleeve. Trying to make everything clear for her arm. She placed the razor blade on her arm and-







She did six cuts on her arm. Well, not really cuts, more like just small scratches/scars but it didn't hurt her at all.
'It actually felt really relieving. But I have to resist the urge to do more. Its wrong to do this to myself. I'll do them when its really necessary.'

She didn't notice the blood dripping down on her arm onto the floor.
'I don't have any bandages with me at the moment so I guess I'll just have to roll my sleeve back up, and hope it won't bleed that much.'

[Okay, warning over.]

Sunset rolled her sleeve back up. The blood didn't go through her jacket which she was thankful for.

'But where am I going to go? I'm not going back to class, I would embarrass myself. Home?'

'Yeah, home. That sounds nice.'

A/N: oof I lost ideas to continue this chapter, the next chapter will be much longer ;).

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