Recipe 3 Part 2

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"Wake up! Wake up! Oyuki, class just ended! Wake up!" Mikasa screamed at the top of her lungs. "Oi! I'm awake! I'm awake! Geez!" I screamed back at her. Right! Character change. "You missed Ichigo-San mixing a bad smelling chemical. You could have died." Mikasa said dramatically. "Well I didn't. I have to be somewhere, so bye." I said leaping up from my seat, and running out of class with my sweet spirits following me. Perfect. I got to an empty hall when Sugar asked, "What's wrong, Oyuki?" I pointed at myself. "You?" Spice asked looking confused. "Ya, while you guys were in a conversation I was getting these character changes like I haven't before. Also I saw some 4 weird eggs on my bed."I said. They froze, looked at each other, and nodded. "We think we know what you have, Oyuki." Sugar said. "Let's go to the library!" Spice screamed while Sugar and I shushed her. "Sorry." She whispered. We went to the library, and we started the search for the specific book. I looked at my watch and I said, "Guys, I have to go!" They just nodded at me while I ran out of the library, so I could make it on time for flower arranging class. *Cue eye roll* I mean flower arranging! Really? I heard she was Charming's mom. I wonder what she looks like. I ran some more, and I got to class right on time. I turned around just to be met with a screaming Mikasa. Maybe I should skip class? I put one hand on my hip, and I stretched my other hand to make a peace sign. "Peace." I said plainly with a smirk. Woah, woah, woah. This is getting way out of hand. What were those eggs in my bed? Oh well. She squealed in frustration, and she just sat down. I sat down next to her which was coincidental between her and Charming. *Sigh* Great. I listened to the teacher while I looked at Charming, seeing his face full of admiration. I bet he wants to do something related to his mom's job, and- Did his dad die? Why am I so superstitious? Back to reality, the teacher (Yes, I'm calling her 'the teacher') asked, "When you all make sweets, what do you all think about?" Everybody talked while I was thinking of my reason. I wanted to be a pâtissière because I wanted to make people smile, and sweets almost always make people happy. Also I'm in love with cooking, so ya. "For me it's..the one who makes sweets enjoys the process, and those who eat them are happy too. That'll be great." Ichigo said. Wow, are we really that alike? I never really noticed, but then again she never really tried to bake. She got embarrassed while the teacher praised her, but I just blocked her out because I decided that I still don't like Ichigo. Yes, I'm evil. Mwahaha! Ok, I'll stop. I finished my flower arrangement, and I sighed with a slight smile. (A/N This is her flower arrangement👇)

I looked to my right to see that Mikasa was copying me

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I looked to my right to see that Mikasa was copying me. I glared at her while she squeaked and took of the pink flowers. Ugh. She really is an idiot. I rolled my eyes, and I looked up to see the teacher about to pass me. "Miss Hanabusa?" I asked with a questioning gaze. May I add how much I hate calling her by her last name. Wait...Why didn't I just say 'Sensei'? I'm an idiot. Her eyes widened, and she looked at my flowers in shock. "I can tell that you have mixed personalities, and you don't really have or like too much attention." She said with a kind shimmer in her eyes. Is she a seer? Because she just wrote my life story, and also doesn't this arrangement stand out? Curious and curiouser. I looked to my right once again to see Mikasa getting reprimanded for copying me. That's what she gets! Whatever. I'm sleepy again. Maybe I'll just take a little nap-No! I slowly tilted to my left, and I just gave up and fell to the left. Obviously. I felt somebody catch me in their arms, and I fell to sleep.
(Time skip brought to you by the charming Hanabusa blushing while holding Oyuki)
I woke up to Charming shaking me slowly with his face inches from my face. Whoops. I guess I fell asleep after all. Hehe. And to make it better on Charming. Note sarcasm. "I'm up." I said plainly seeing Mikasa staring at me with a sweat drop. "How can you sleep 2 classes in a roll?! Did you sleep in our lunch period too?" She asked rather loudly. "Geez, I only slept 2 times for your information." I said getting up from Charming's arms. I looked up to see that even the teacher was gone, so it was only Mikasa, Charming, and I. Oh well. "Bye, Charming." I said waving my hand slightly before running out of the classroom. Leaving Mikasa behind. Not the smartest idea. I saw her, out of the corner of my eye, starting to catch up to me. She's fast! I headed to dinner when I saw Ichigo and Rumi talking about pot-au-feu. I then saw Ichigo's eyes widen, and I knew she was starting to get delusional. I can't really help her, though. I then saw my sweet spirits waving at me on the ground with a book. I ran over to them, and I leaned over pretending to look at the book. Well I was, but I was also looking at them. "What is this?" I asked my sweet spirits. "The answer to your problem is here." Spice said plainly. Hey, that's my thing! Oh. "Oh." I said looking at the book. "The Heart Egg." I said looking at the book. (A/N I don't know the actual name, so I'm calling it that) I opened the book, and I saw that all kids have an egg in their heart. And that is practically their dream, but sometimes they come out. (A/N I'm probably getting this all wrong) "So my dream self is coming out? In egg form? And they will hatch? We should skip dinner and head straight to my dorm. Let's go!" I shouted pointing to the sky in a dramatic way. Evil character change! Wait till I get my hands on- I then froze, looked around, and sighed when I saw that nobody had heard. I ran to my dorm with my sweet spirits on my heels. I finally got to the door, and I opened it with a shocked face. Why? Because there used to be 4 eggs, and now there are 3.
Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Did you guys like it? Did you expect the Shugo Chara crossover? Where is her 4th egg? What is the eggs personality? And what did you think about her and Hanabusa's ignored moment?

The Forgotten Sister (Amano Ichigo's twin sister)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя