Recipe 1 Part 2

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All of a sudden I started smelling something sweet, so I looked around and saw that the Sweets Fiesta was here. Oh no. I heard Ichigo scream, "Ah, it's the Sweets Fiesta." Oh well. I ran to catch up to her, and when I finally caught up I saw her pilling up her plate with fancy treats like the glutton she was. Typical Ichigo. Does she not know that she left her wallet at home, and that she has to pay. Yes, I knew. I like to call it pay back for her complaining, but then she will probably tell me to pay so..... When she was about to try to go through I said, "Ichigo, you do realize you have to pay." But she just looked onward, not even hearing me. Ouch. Oh well, she will just have to learn the hard way. She finally got through the crowd, and she was about to escape untouched when the male cashier said, "Customer" Dang, he just customer-zoned her! He told her she needed to pay, and I muttered a soft, "I told you so." While she was rummaging her purse, I decided to buy a sweet, myself. I walked around for a while, until I saw this blonde foreigner. Wow. I then saw a chocolate cake with different layers, and I went to the man. "Hello." I said softly. He then looked up startled, and he said, "Hi." Wow, somebody noticed me. "Can I have that cake?" I asked cautiously. "Sure." He said smiling at me happily. Weirdo. I took the cake, and went to the surprisingly empty cashier station. "Excuse me" I said. The girl looked around and said, "Who's there. Are you a ghost? Please don't haunt me!" Pathetic. How is she scared of ghosts? I'd be glad to have a ghost friend or enemy. Just notice me! "Sumimasen!" I said loudly. "Huh." She said looking rather shocked. So courageous. Note sarcasm. I gave her my tray, which only had that one treat that I got, and I payed her quickly. Wouldn't want to miss anything interesting. Whoops, to late. Ichigo was now ending a conversation with the weirdo I met earlier. *Sigh* She then started walking back to the table, that contained the rest of my horrible family, with heart eyes. I sweat dropped and shook my head. Really? Crushing on the creepy dude. What did I have against him? No idea. We finally went back home, and Ichigo told us what she wanted to do. Go to St. Marie's!!! Really? Oh my gosh! She is an idiot. Why? Because she would be going into 2nd year in a boarding school (Which Dad wouldn't like.) without any experience. There are professionals there! Does she think she can just waltz in? I listened to the fight carefully, and I rolled my eyes when Mom confessed how she felt bad for Ichigo for leaving her alone. Hello, alone person right in front of y'all. Anyways, Mom got her scary face, and convinced Dad (Who didn't want his precious baby to go) to let her go with the exception of me going with Ichi- Wait what! "Why?" I asked loudly, annoyed that they were forcing me to go, like heck nah! "I won't let Ichigo go without you." Dad said staring me down. Wow, way to put me in the spot. At least I got attention. Hehe😅. "Fine." I said sighing and looking down. "Yay! Thank you so much, Oyuki-Chan!" Ichigo said hugging me tightly. "Hehe. It's really not a big deal." I said while having  a sweat drop. What's with me sweating today? "Onee-Chan isn't that great?" Natsume asked more like a statement while high-fiving her. Of course it is great! Unless of course you are just being dragged along for your twin's brainless dreams. Then it sucks. "Mama, thank you!" Ichigo said in pure bliss. Oh well, maybe it will be a cool, invisible experience. Like always invisible, but maybe there is a slight chance that it may be cool. We then went to bed where Ichigo was writing a letter to Weirdo, or Henri dude, for some (Probably dumb) reason. Wait was she even sending it to him? Who cares! A person of his status will maybe read it, and he will obviously not reply. I will be ready, even if I only have 10 days to be ready. Good night, World.
I don't actually know if  it was 10 days, but I just used what Kashino told Ichigo in the 2nd episode. I hope you guys liked it.

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