Recipe 2 Part 3

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I walked up to the teacher, and I said, "Sensei, I'm done with my miru crepe." She looked at me, nodded, and walked to my cooking station. Her jaw dropped when she saw it.(This is the crepe if you forgot)

(This is the crepe if you forgot)

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She said, "A+ in looks,and .......A+ in taste as well. 50 points, Miss Amano-San." She said looking shocked. I looked around, and I noticed that there was an empty seat in front of me. Huh? But I thought the class had an even number. Wait, did this person skip?! Whatever. I looked over to Ichigo, to see her burning every crepe. *Sigh* I wish I was confident enough to walk to her station and help her, but I was weak. I then saw the Sweet Princes, or as I like to call them the Golden Trio, raise their hands to signal that they were done and I face palmed myself. Oh well. The teacher complimented each one, but then she said or rather asked, "Has Amano-San finished too?" I looked around, and I saw everybody staring at her. I should take this chance to leave. I backed up till I was by the door and I said, "Guys, we should go." The twins looked up from their seperate pockets, and they said, "Shouldn't we stand up for, Ichigo-San?" I sighed and shook my head. "No, she has to learn how to defend herself. This is a harsh school, but she will over come it. I know she will." I said whispering the last part. I opened the door quietly, and the last thing I saw before closing the door was Kashino screaming at Ichigo. *Sigh* "Where are we going, Oyuki-Chan?" Sugar asked politely. I wish I could be nice like him. "I don't know." I said honestly. I just wanted to get away. "Let's explore!" Spice screamed joyfully. I wish I could be confident like her. I laughed and said, "Well what are we waiting for?"We all laughed and ran (Or flying in their case) to the nearest exit.
(Time skip brought to you by Sugar tripping over thin air, literally)
We were walking near a beautiful rose garden when I heard somebody say, "Mikasa-Chan, are we lost?" Eh? I looked at the twins, and we knew what we were going to do. I crouched down behind the bush, and we leaned in to hear better. Why didn't the twins just sneak up? Because we think the voice we heard was a sweet spirit. Why not me? Because it is funnier this way, and the sweet spirit may notice me. " We've been here for about half a year. Do you really think I don't recognise where I am?" The probably Mikasa girl said. "Yes, hundred percent. Your an idiot." A third voice said. That one also sounded like a sweet spirit. I looked at the twins, to see that they were in pure shock. "Guys." I hissed softly. They looked up and in sync said, "They are not our siblings!" May I add that they said it rather quickly. I rolled my eyes and said, "So you guys had more siblings this entire time." They nodded. "We are quadruplets. Sorry." Sugar said softly. I said that's ok, and I stood up to reveal myself. They suddenly tugged me, and I went down without a noise. Am I really that light? I raised my eyebrow at them while they said they didn't want to confront them. I nodded, and we went to the cafeteria. I heard everybody talking about not seeing Ichigo, and Sugar started panicking while Spice and I kept our cool. I saw 2/3 of the Golden Trio scolding Kashino who was the 1/3. I'm weird. I spun on my heels, and I went outside with two umbrellas that I had put on my mini backpack just in case. Don't judge! "Where are we going" Spice asked curiously from under my umbrella. "To the bus stop." I said bluntly. "Eh?!" The twins screamed. "To get Ichigo to come back." I said in a bored tone. "Oh, so that's why you have two umbrellas. How do you know that she is going to be there?" Spice asked curiously. "Because she is a depressing person who thinks that she is the unluckiest girl in the world." I said sarcastically. Spice started laughing hysterically while Sugar just gave her that cold, disapproving stare. He can be very scary sometimes. We got to the bus station, and surprise surprise Ichigo was there. I knew it. I silently walked towards her, and I saw that she was thinking very hard. May I add that the bus was coming from about 2 blocks away. "You should quit moping, you know." I said with a strong voice. She jumped and said, "How did you find me?" Ok, she asked. "I knew you would be here from observing." I said plainly. She nodded while I was thinking about the many times she ran away from something. I may be weak, but I won't give up that easily. "I should stay, right?" Ichigo asked. I just nodded my head, and when the bus stopped she didn't go in. I smiled slightly, and I said, "I know where you are going to go next. Don't give up. Don't get spoiled with these encouraging words. And have this umbrella." I said giving her the other umbrella I had in my head. I got up from he bench, and I slowly walked to the dorms with the twins beside me. "She is going to be ok, isn't she?" Sugar asked. "I told you she will over come it. Remember I don't lie." I said smartly. We were at the door to my shared dorm, but when I opened it the girl was thankfully asleep. I couldn't see her face, but I didn't care. Because I just don't. I quickly finished my homework, and the twins and I went to sleep with me wishing I could be more confident and nicer.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Who is Mikasa? Who is her roommate? What will happen with her hearts desire?

The Forgotten Sister (Amano Ichigo's twin sister)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя