Recipe 3 Part 1

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I woke up by somebody shaking my shoulders harshly. Say what?! I looked up, and I saw a blue hair and eyed girl shaking me. "Stop shaking me!" I screamed. She stopped and questioned me. "Why didn't you ask who I was?"Oh my god! "Because you were SHAKING MY FRIKIN SHOULDERS!!!" I screamed with fire in my eyes. "Oh. Hehe." She said awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. "Wait your the girl that was skipping yesterday!" I said. No, that's not all. Who was this girl? "Oh, I see my reputa-" She said before I cut her off. "Ah, I got! You were the idiot that got lost by the rose bushes!" I screamed enthusiastically while putting my fist in my other hand. She was blue with shock, and she looked like she was regressing. Oh well. I got my clothes, and I went to our shared bathroom. When I got out I saw her almost fully recovered, so I got my bags. Then I saw some stuff on my bed that I had never seen before. What? I was about to investigate it closer when the Mikasa girl tugged me towards the door. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I screamed at her. "Going  to breakfast, duh." She said happily before running past the halls and buildings.
(Time skip brought to you by Oyuki getting tugged around weightlessly by Mikasa)
We finally got to the cafeteria,but for some peculiar reason she chose to stop right in front of the Golden Trio. Huh? Oh well. They looked at us shocked while the sweet spirits were panting for air. They were quadruplets that had lots of catching up to do, but the poor things still had to follow us. "You made me tired." I said emotionlessly. "Bu...But you're not even sw..sweating." Mikasa said while sweat dropping. I simply shrugged. I sat laying my head down while Mikasa was yapping something about wanting to wake up early to get food and introduce herself or something like that. Whatever. I was slowly drifting to sleep when Mikasa shouted, "Wake up! Why did you come with me if you were going to be sleeping off?!" My eyes gleamed evilly while she looked frozen. Oh well. "That's ok. You can sleep all you want. Please have mercy on me! I don't want to die!" She shouted with tears falling down her cheeks at a rapid speed. She is such a drama queen.
(Mikasa looks like the picture below)

I rolled my eyes, and I went to the buffet line to get my free food

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I rolled my eyes, and I went to the buffet line to get my free food.(A/N I don't know if it's free, but I'm gonna say that)
I got a triple chocolate chip cookie, a fruit cup, and a parfait. Yum! Of course, I would save the parfait later because I do get hungry. I sat down to Mikasa saying, "Right, Oyuki?" Huh? I guess I said that out loud because she said, "I said that we would be making- Where did you get that food from?!" Wow, she just cut herself off. She's weirder than I thought, and my other half has been pretty weird all our life. "The buffet table." I said plainly. "Bu..But-" She stuttered before getting cutting off by me. "It is free is it?" I asked curious to know if I got my facts wrong. "We..Well yes, but-" She stuttered getting cut off by my once again. "Well then I see no problem." I said coolly. The boys were trying to contain their laugh while Mikasa's ghost was coming out of her body. Oh well, nothing I can do to revive this one. I was about to eat my cookie when Mikasa snatched the cookie, and she ate it. I got a dark aura around me and I asked, "Why did you eat my cookie." I was furious! She immediately got blank wide eyes, and she jumped a yard away. Oh well. I than put my fruit cup in front of her. "Wha-" "Eat it." I said in a deadly tone. She gulped down the fruit cup in an Olympics time while I said, "You are very dramatic." She smiled- Wait, why is she smiling? "Oh believe me, my cousin is way worse." Worse? "I can't seem to be able to imagine that." I said emotionlessly. "Omg! You sound just like my cousin's best friend! You see, we were meant for each other!" She screamed. Everybody looked at her weirdly but me. "Haha. Ha ha. Oh my god. Ha aha." I said laughing hard. Then she looked down at me, and she suddenly stood me up from my seat and rubbed her cheek against mine. "Oh my god, you are an adorable little girl. You are now my daughter." She said happily. "Whate- Eh?! I'm not your daughter! I already have a mother." I said flapping my arms up and down like crazy for some reason. "But will she be like me? I will actually see you, so say hi to your new Mom." She said with open arms. Oh my god, she is actually doing this. I looked at her, looked at the boys, and then looked down over and over again. The boys just shrugged while I sighed. "No." I said tired of this talk already. "Aww, you're no fun." She said with a pout. What is she, 5? I then looked at my watch and said, "The first bell will ring in exactly 5 minutes, let's go." She looked shocked but her wide mouth slowly turned into a creepy smile. "You love me so much that you tell me this." She said with tears running down her cheeks. I sweat dropped while she did this weird dance. Oh my god, she is psycho. I stood up and dragged her to the hallway when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Peacemaker with the rest of the trio behind him. "Peacemaker?" I aske- Wait, why did I have to say that out loud?! "Ehh?" The Golden Trio asked in confusion. "What do you want." I asked. "W..We were wondering if we could walk with you guys class." I shrugged my shoulders while Mikasa screamed a sure. Maybe this friendship will work. We walked through the rose tunnel of a sort when Peace said, "What's with the nickname? Not to be rude!" He looked down at me nervously like I could explode at any moment. "I like to give people nicknames. Yours is Peacemaker or Peace. Hanabusa's is Charming, and Ichigo's is Glutton. Oh, and Mikasa's is currently Idiot." I said smiling. "Wait... Not that I care....Why don't I have a nickname?!" Kashino asked looking kind of anxious. "Because I can't seem to find the right one." I said with a small shrug. "Wait, how do you know Amano-San?" Charming asked curiously. "She's my sister. Twin sister." I said plainly. As you can tell, I have limited emotions. "Eh?!" They all screamed sounding surprised. May I add that we were already in the main building. "Oh, I get! This fan fiction is obviously named 'The Forgotten Twin Sister'." Mikasa said turning to a random direction. This girl obviously belongs in a mental asylum. "Let me guess, your cousin does that all the time, right?" I said going to seat that I sat on yesterday. "Yuppity yup yup." She said speaking nonsense. "Oh well." I said with a sigh. Wait. Where are my sweet spirits?! I looked up, and to my relief I saw them mingling with the sweets spi- Why is there 3 more sweet spirits then there are supposed to be. I poked Mikasa and she asked, "What's wrong?" I pointed to the sweets spirits while she looked at me in shock. "You can see them?" Oh, and the guys kinda forget that I was behind them, so ya. "Why else would there be 2 more sweets spirits? They are quadruplets, you know. Also what about the 3 other sweet spirits?" I said quickly. "I don't know about those. Do you have a clue?" She asked curiously. "Yes, I think they are with the Golden Trio." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. "Golden Trio? Harry Potter?" Mikasa asked curiously. I simply pointed in front of me and she just nodded finally understanding. I then felt my body move on my own, and I tapped Kashino and said, "You guys have sweets spirits, don't you?" He looked at me in shock along with Charming and Peacemaker. "H..How d..di-" Charming asked getting cut off by me pointing to the sweets spirits above us. "The boy and the brown haired girl are my partners, and Mikasa's are the raspberry and the candy one." I said smiling slightly.
(Btw these are Mikasa's sweet spirits)

 (Btw these are Mikasa's sweet spirits)Razz:

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They nodded and said their separate sweet spirits

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They nodded and said their separate sweet spirits. Cafe was with Hanabusa, Chocolate with Kashino, and Caramel with Andou. "Peace, I think Caramel is adorable."I said to Andou. Say what! Why did I say that? That was very abnormal of me....The second time it has happened. What is going on? "I know, right? She is just so cute and nice and...." He drifted off his sentence because of the sight above him. Caramel was scolding a crying Sugar. What happened? Also Candy, Razz, and Cafe were holding Spice back from attacking Caramel. Then Chocolat got in front of Spice and she said, "Spice, calm down." I guess Spice hadn't seen Chocolat because Spice then pulled out of the 3 sweet spirits grip, and she hugged Chocolat like she was squeezing the life out of her. That's murder. Oh well. Then I noticed that class was about to start, and that Ichigo was talking to Rumi. How did she pass by my eyes without me noticing? Am I letting my guard down or rather am I becoming ordinary. I like that. It seems like whatever is happening to me is happening for a good reason, but....I still have to keep an eye around everywhere. Why? Because I know how cruel the world and it's people are. Especially the girls in Group B. I see how they stare at Ichigo, and how they loathe her very existence. Any who, the math teacher called on Kashino, and I overheard Ichigo snickering until she got called on. Idiot. Did I mention that Mikasa and I sit at the very back with me in the corner. I love it. Except the Mikasa part. Well kind of. "Oyuki. Oyuki. Oyuki. Oyuki. Psst Oyuki. Oyu-" Mikasa pestered until I punched her shoulder. Hard. "Mom, don't be mean to me!" She cried. Question marks filled my head. "I don't like that name." I said. "Please." She said with a pout. I dropped my head onto the desk with a bang that didn't go noticed by anybody else except Peace. "You ok?" He asked in a sweet voice. I can see the resemblance between everybody's partners except mine. I don't even have a personality. "I'm fine. It's just before this I was completely invisible, and now I'm only slightly invisible." I said smiling a bit. "You have a nice smile. You should smile more often." He said bluntly. "Well I usually don't smile because I have no one to smile to but thanks." I said showing minimum gratitude. He smiled back, and I saw Ichigo looking defeated. I don't think she knows the term of studying. After going to English (Which I won't mention because it is barely mentioned) we went to to French where Mikasa forced me to sit in front of Peace and Kashino. Peace had gotten called, so I turned to Kashino and I said, "What about Ice?" He looked surprised, but then he just nodded and smiled. DID HE JUST S M I L E?! Omg, the world is gonna end? Ok, I'm exaggerating. By the way Ice is his new nickname. Then the teacher said, "Well then, the transfer student Amani-San. Please read it out." Before anything could happen Ichigo said, "Do you mean me or Oyuki, Sensei?" I froze. "Is an Oyuki here?" He asked curiously. I was about to stay quiet when my hand just shot up. What?! What is happening to me? "Oh ok, well can you read it, Miss Oyuki-San?" I nodded my head and read the sentence perfectly. Everybody looked shock while I put a poker face and sat down. He then told Ichigo to read another sentence while Mikasa was squealing about me. "Eeeeeee! You were amazing! How are you so smart?" She asked stunned. "Well other than photographic memory...." I said trailing off on purpose for suspense. She fell off her chair, surprisingly unnoticed. But I had other things to worry about. I had to speak to my sweets spirits. *Sigh* I guess I'm skipping lunch. We were now in science, and I was slowly slipping into sleep.
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry that it was so long. What is happening with Oyuki? What did she see? Can you guess who Mikasa's cousin and cousin's friend is? And what did you guys think about Oyuki and Andou's little interaction in class?

The Forgotten Sister (Amano Ichigo's twin sister)Where stories live. Discover now