after yesterday, i don't know how to act. her own fucking dad rapped her. disgusting

i walk into the kitchen and sit at the table with my macbook and start to work

these fucking shipments, i swear to god

i hear footsteps so i look up from my computer slightly. jordi and mason walk into the kitchen together

jordi's in yesterday's clothes of black biker shorts and a black bra thing, showing off all her curves and her amazing body

damn she's fucking hot-

shut up reece, you can't like her

mason has a couple of bottles on his hands so i take the time to red them

'antidepressant pills'

'anti-anxiety pills'

she's on fucking pills

"reece, how is everything going?" mason asks me and i look up at him

"shit, the camera footage for the time periods are gone. they skip like 2 hours. it cuts from the guards standing there to them all laying on the floor bloody and dead. someone's hacked the system and i don't know how" i say running my hands through my messy hair

"it has to be an inside job. someone close to us. no one knew about the shipment except our closest and most trusted men" i add in

"agreed" mason says "it could only be someone super close. but all those men are dead ass loyal to us, we're stuck i guess"

"yep" i reply back

"well i've got to go. i've got to help jordi with her medication and bandages and stuff" he says walking over to jordi. "you need to eat more then that jordi, an apple a day isn't good enough. you need to eat better" he says grabbing a big block of milk chocolate

"mason" jordi wines at him "i don't need it, it'll make me even more fatter the. i already am" she says sadly trying to grab the block and put it bag but mason holds it above her head

i clench my jaw at this

they act like a fucking couple. that should be me and her, after all she is sleeping in my bed

"mason, i don't need it. c'mon, just put it back. i'm fine with an apple" she says jumping to try and grab it

she looks fucking adorable jumping up and down trying to get her way

"jordi, first of all you are not fat if anything you are too skinny, second of all a little chocolate never hurt anybody and last but not least i haven't seen you eat anything except an apple since you've been here" he says to her

it's true, she isn't fat. it anything she is underweight. her dad probably drilled her with the fact that she's 'fat'

"now come on, let get you cleaned up" he says attempting to take her hand she pouts at his action and crosses her arms shaking her head at him

"don't give me that look, it's not going to work on me" he says, at his words she gives him even bigger puppy dog eyes

he grabs her wrist and walks up the stairs. i hop he didn't hurt her

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