School was out and we was sitting in my car. New grandma had her car for the week because hers was in the shop after her third wreck this month.

That lady have car accidents so much. More than I change my hair style and I change my hair a lot.

"Ian hungry I ate a bag of chips." She shifted in the seat putting he hoodie over her head looking out the window.

"I'm finna go to Khalil house, you finna ride?" I asked trying to make sure she was comfortable.

She hunched her shoulders not even turning to look at me.

I pulled up to his house getting out the car waiting on New to get out before I locked the door.

I went up to the door banging on it and repeatedly ringing the door bell.

He swung the door open. "Who tf-" he stopped when he seen me. "I thought your ass was Scope babymomma." I laughed and New walked right past us going in the living room laying down on the couch.

"Who told this ugly ass helfa to walk in." He said from the front door. I put my hand over his mouth pulling him outside closing the front door.

"What-" I cut him off.

"You must not know what happen last night?" I asked him putting my hand on my hip.

"What happened-" he frowned.

"Her and Scope got into it yesterday and he put his hands on her, she haven't been talking or eating since."

Sada balled his fist up. "I told him about this shit, he doing this shit again." I frowned up.

"Again?" I scrunched my face up waiting for a reply.

"Aint my place to be telling if ya understand." I nodded my head.

"I'm finna go upstairs and talk to him." Khalil said going in the house walking upstairs.

I walked in the house and laid next to New on the couch. I was about to take a nap until Bouka, Ronda, and Murder walked in being loud.

I shook my head. It wasn't finna be quiet no time soon.

"You a copycat nigga that's not lean that's thearflu." Ronda argued with Murder.

"Nigga your a dummy, taste it!" Murder yelled pushing the cup towards Ronda face.

Bouka came up to me. I was shocked he was a talker.

He nodded towards New. I knew what he was asking without even him asking.

"You wanna try to get through to her." He hunched his shoulders and I got up walking in the kitchen to get some fruit snacks.

4:50 P.M.|MIAMI


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(R.I.P BAM💙 drop blue hearts for him in the comments)

I sat next to New tapping her gently. I didn't want to annoy her because I knew how it felt to be annoyed.

She turned around with red low eyes. "Hmm.." she looked up at me barley being able to open her eyes.

I knew this look she was hurt and confused.

I had that same look when my dad died when I was eight. I seen him die right in front of me I seen the people who killed him. I couldn't do anything to help him.

I was useless.

Ever since then I've been in my own shell I'll talk ever now or then but I don't talk. I don't get attached. Every time I get attached I lose people.

I looked at her and wiped a tear that had just fell from her eyes.

"Don't cry please." I spoke lowly holding her hand.

I hate seeing people cry. It make me feel weak and I hate feeling weak.

She wiped her face sitting up looking at me with low red eyes.

"What happened, only tell me if you want to." I asked her not trying to upset her more. "I'm not forcing-" she cut me off.

"Major..." she mumbled. She wiped her face looking down at her nails. "I don't know what happened but he blacked out, and he choked me.. I couldn't breathe."

I felt myself getting angry. I started to squeeze my hands together rubbing them on one another.

I don't fuck with niggas putting there hands on women I had to see enough of that with my momma and my step dad.

"Fuck you say!" She flenched. I didn't want her to be scared of me so I apologized. "Sorry."

I barley apologized so it was weird for me.

"You straight?" She nodded her head looking away. "Let me see your neck." She didn't say anything so I zipped down her jacket looking at it shaking my head.

I pulled her in a hug.


Should they become best friends? Bouka and NewNew what y'all thinking? Lmk

This ain't nun fr I just wanted to update.

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