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"Are you sure you have to go? There isn't anyone else who could take this job?" Blake says with tears in her eyes. She can't help but think you're never going to come back.

"Blake, you promised me you wouldn't do this."

"I know, and I'm sorry but promise me you'll text me as soon as you land."

"I promise, now I have to go I'll see you in three weeks."

With one last hug and a few tears form your overly sensitive best friend. you go to head to your gate. Seeing Tom already there sitting in a chair with a hat and his hood pulled up. You take the set next to him and he finally looks up when you comment about his appearance.

"Really, the Maple Leafs?" you say with utter disappointment as you point to the hat.

"I'd figured you like it as you live in Toronto," he replied.

"Nope! Habs fan all the way" Tom has no idea what team is 'Habs' as he doesn't follow hockey too much. But none the less he decides to let it go thinking he'll find out eventually. Shaking his head he decides to fill you in on his family.

"So as my temporary girlfriend I should probably prepare you. My family can be a little much sometimes."

At that last sentence, you let out a snort "Trust me your family can't be as bad as mine." Tom lets out a small chuckle.

"Well, I should prepare you just in case." taking a brief pause he continues. "I have three brothers. I'm the oldest then there's Sam, Harry, and Paddy."

"Tom have you forgot I told you I did my research." Remembering the conversation you guys had at the park. He rolls his eyes and lets out a huff. Deciding to let him have his way you speak again. "Tell me about them."

"Well Sam's quite quiet, but once you get to know him he'll be the loudest person you know." Laughing at a memory you weren't there to witness he continues. "Harry, he... well, he can be a bit of a div sometimes and really fucking cocky. But I've never seen someone so passionate about photography. He would have loved to come to Toronto to take pictures but we had a bit of an argument before we left. Forwarning you that there might be a bit tense when we get to London."

You look into his dark brown eyes and for a short moment, you could see his walls break down to show so much pain almost mirroring yours. This boy is going to be hard to crack.

This time you speak up "They're the twins ya? and the youngest is Patrick?" you ask not fully feeling comfortable calling the young boy paddy. You haven't met him yet and you didn't want to cross any boundaries.

"Yeah but don't let him hear you call him that, we only call him Patrick when he's in trouble."

Nodding about to ask another small question when you see another boy you're age carrying two coffees. Your research that you did helped you to confirm that this boy is Harrison Osterfield. Not knowing if Tom told his best friend about the brainless deal you guys made. You hesitantly grab his hand. Tom furrows his brows only for you to nod in his best friend's direction. The only answer you get is a slight shake of his head as he lets go of your hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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