Chapter 12

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~~Light Editing~~

I just sat there in shock. "What?"

"You're a royal! That necklace is a sacred royal necklace!" Mathew repeated.

"But the king has no known family!" Someone else argued. I was too shaken up to really focus.

"No known family. I guess he had or has a family."

"How do we know this is family?" I couldn't tell who was saying what but I could faintly make out words. My mind was swirling around one thing.

They know of my scars and that I'm a royal...

"Who else would get a royal necklace?"

They know. They know!!

"Why didn't you tell us that our Luna is a royal?!" One of the men snapped at Nathan.

"Because that's not my secret to tell!" He snapped back.

"But your secrets are her secrets! You're mates!"

"I know that!"

"So you didn't want to tell your pack, frick, your best friend and gamma that you might be the king?!" The other guy growled.

"No! I didn't!" I felt a wave of power pour off of Nathan and around the room. I snapped out of my trance and saw everyone with their head down except for Matthew and Nathan who were glaring at each other.

"So you're lying to your pack now? What kind of Alpha does that? Oh wait, an alpha doesn't lie to his pack!" Mathew sneered, and Nathan snarled and shot off of the couch. Mathew did the same. Now they were face to face, eye to eye.

"Stop!" I shouted, but they were either too stupid or too caught up in glaring at each other to hear me.

"You dare disrespect your alpha?" Nathan growled lowly.

"An alpha doesn't lie to his pack! That's exactly what you did!! You haven't even introduced our luna to the pack yet! They don't know who she is! For all the pack knows, she is just some random girl you are hooking up with! What kind of reputation are you giving yourself? So far, not very alpha like, Alpha." Mathew spat the last word.

The power in the room that was coming off these two was so overpowering it scared me. I could feel through the mate bond Nathan's rage for being disrespected like that. I looked over at everyone else and saw them all looking fearful with their heads bowed. I knew something was going to happen unless someone stopped them.

"ENOUGH!!" I shouted loudly while shooting  up from the couch. Instantly everyone in the room snapped their gaze to me. "Stop fighting!!! I wasn't ready for you all to know, ok? So stop fighting like little children!!" Everyone dropped their heads and avoided my gaze. I jumped back at my own voice. 

Where did that come from?!

"Sorry Luna." Mathew apologized.

"What just happened to me?" I asked everyone in the room.

"You used either your Luna voice, or your royal voice, to command us to stop. Your wolf must've not liked us fighting so she took control." Nathan replied, sounding surprised and... proud?

"What wolf?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Your inner wolf? The one that talks to you in your mind?" I shook my head slowly.

"There is no voice in my head. No one 'took control' of me or whatever you said."

"Wait, you don't hear your inner wolf?" Kyle questioned. I shook my head.

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