Chapter 5

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~~Light Editing~~

It's been a week since I decided to give Nathan a try. I didn't open up to him or tell him my past, but I started to let his love into my heart. 

Nathan had some paper work things he needed to do and I went with him to his office.

"Hey Nathan?" I asked as I set down the book I was reading. He looked up from his paper work. 


"Are you almost done?" 

"Just a few more pages to go. Why? Are you bored? Want to go back to the room?" 

"No, I just wanted to tell you some things." 

"Do you want me to stop? We can talk now if you want." 

"No, go ahead and finish your work." I smiled at him. He gave me a side ways glance then one of his charming smiles that make my heart flutter. I gave him my small smile and looked back down at my book. 

A few pages later I heard Nathan stand up and sigh. 

"Finally done with those stupid papers!" He laughed as he walked over to me. He held out his hand for me to take. "Ready to go back to the room?" I nodded my head and put the book mark in the book and grabbed his hand. 

We walked in a comfortable silence back to his room. When we were about half way there, a pack member rounded the corner and saw us there. He lowered his head and showed the side of his neck in submission. 

"Alpha, Luna." 

I nodded my head just like Nathan always did and what I learned to do. I gave him a small smile as he walked by. 

Once we reached the room, Nathan opened the door for me. We walked in and I went straight for the couch. Nathan sat on the other side like he always did and looked at me. 

"What did you want to talk about angel?" I licked my lips and cleared my throat. 

"I think I am ready to open up." His eyes widened in surprise and happiness. 

"Really?" I nodded my head shyly. 

"When you saved me, I pushed you away, not wanting to feel loved or safe again. I was afraid I would get hurt or taken in. But you didn't leave me, push me away, punish me, yell at me, rush me and more. You just stayed calm and gentle the whole time. So I gave myself a week to see what you were truly like. Well it's been a week and you are still the same. You are just so loving and caring, nothing like Aaron." I said to him, looking him straight in the eyes, then I continued. 

"So I am going to tell you my story, if you still want to hear it." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. 

"I have been wanting to know about the past of my mate since the day I met her in the forest." 

"Well you know that Aaron took me from the park when I was little..." I went on to tell him my whole story little by little. It was hard, telling my life story to someone, reliving it was probably the hardest. 

Nathan just sat there the whole time, listening to every word. Once I got to the end of the story, I was crying and shaking. Nathan stood up and walked over to me. He wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I had my arms pulled into my chest with the top of my hands under my chin. 

I turned and cried into his shoulder. He just rubbed my back and whispered soft nothings into my ear, calming me down. I just thought about all those times where he would hurt me, punish me, yell at me, for doing nothing wrong. I thought about the fear I lived in with Aaron. 

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