Chapter 9

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Bailey's POV

Run, fear, pain, don't look back, faster, faster, don't stop, run. Ignore the pain. Use the fear. Run faster. The world flew past me in a blur, my hair whipping behind me. Pain swirled inside me, my heart was screaming out, telling me to turn around. Screaming to run back to Nathan, back to my mate. But I couldn't. I can't let anyone in again. I can't get hurt again. So I ran. I'm running through the dark forest alone and scared.

I ran until the sun started to come up. My mouth was leather dry, my heart was beating fast, my legs burned from running so much. I heard a river not too far away so I walked towards it, catching my breath and listening to the sounds of all the animals waking up. The trickle of water filled my ears making my mouth feel even dryer.

I drank and drank and drank until I thought I was going to throw up. I knew Nathan was going to notice I was gone soon, if he hasn't already, so I had to try to throw him off my trail. I walked downriver a little ways and then waded into the water and walked further downstream. Once I was quite a ways down there, I got out and walked around a little bit, walking in circles and backtracking. I did that for a little while, backtrack, go downstream, backtrack, go downstream. Once I thought I did good, I went way further down stream and crossed the river. Once I was on the other side, I took off my clothes and tied them loosely around my ankle before shifting into my wolf. I took off at a fast but steady lope through the forest, my wolf tongue hanging out of my mouth. 

At least 2 hours went by with me just running, my mind blank. I slowed down to take a really short breather and rest. I laid down and looked around. The first thing I saw was a birds' nest not far from me. Inside was a mother bird with a few little chicks and not far was a male bird, the father. I watched them with curiosity.

Surprisingly, the birds were quite affectionate with each other. Seeing the happy bird couple made my thoughts drift back to Nathan, his kind face, soft words, gentle touch, sparkling eyes. But following that came the picture of him and Wendy...

I looked away from the birds and all around me. All I saw was trees, everything looked the same. Even if I wanted to go back, there was no way. I didn't know where I was or where to go. My loved ones' voices echoed in my head, starting at a whisper. Their hateful words cutting deeper than knives. The pained look on Nathan's face felt like someone was squeezing my heart. The thought of leaving him and the pain it would cause him made it feel like someone was pounding on my chest. The feeling of Nathan's wolf's claws and teeth tearing at my skin, made my skin crawl. The voices were slowly getting louder and louder.

I whined and rested my head on my paws, closing my eyes and trying to get their voices out of my head. I stood up and shook my fur, then started to paw at my head. Nothing was working, the voices weren't going away and were only getting louder.

I whined and curled into a little ball, whimpering quietly as the voices took over me. I just gave into their words. I knew they were right so why try to silence them? I winced as they were pretty much screaming at this point.

Right when I thought their voices couldn't get any louder, I heard a twig snap and the voices vanished, leaving me in complete silence. Adrenaline rushed through me as I saw a pair of wolf eyes. I yelped and took off running the opposite way, I heard the wolf in pursuit. I could tell it was a he, and he was very fast. My legs burned as I tried to run faster but I was too tired and weak, and soon tripped over my own paws, collapsing painfully in the dirt.

I tried to get up but my legs gave out again and I flopped back down ungracefully. The male wolf padded up, not even breathing hard. He was solid black with light amber eyes. He was a very tall and very well built wolf with his head and tail held high. Everything about him screamed dominance and that's what I gave him. I avoided his gaze and curled up into a ball.

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