Season 3, Episode 18: If the World Ends

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Octavia is heartbroken.
She never thought she would be the type of girl to get her heart shattered by another guy but apparently no female is safe. Probably not even lesbians. Men have a way of ruining things in their path. They're like tornadoes, creating mess and destruction however they know how. Octavia's mother has tried so hard to teach her to not let a boy ruin her like this but she can't stop crying about Eli. She hates herself for it but she read online that it's normal to be sad when your boyfriend cheats on you twice with the same female. She's also been wondering if she would've rather had him cheat with someone else entirely the second time. The fact that it was Elena again makes her skin crawl.
And that is why Octavia has given herself the mission in finding something else to focus on. She doesn't have time to sit around and dot her diaries in tears. She is going to pick herself back up and throw a party because the world is ending.
That's a fact. The world is about to end. Octavia read it online from the weird space site she checks out religiously. The sun is going to die, according to the scientists who wrote the article, which means without a sun means no earth. Soon, the sun will explode and earth will be hit with fire and flames and it will be literal Hell on earth and Octavia would love to stick around and witness that but before she can, she thinks it's important to leave this earth the best way possible.
"The world is ending," Octavia tells the trauma club on Thursday morning, watching the rain outside patter against the windows of the classroom.
"Is someone sad today?" River asks her from the other side of the room.
"We're all sad," Octavia responds flatly. "We're all sad and depressed teenagers who are all going to die soon."
"Octavia, honey, is there something you would like to talk about?" Ms. Torres asks her tentatively.
Octavia wonders if she wants to explain to everyone about Eli cheating on her and how she's desperate for the world's end to be here already but she decides against it. "I'm gonna throw a party."
"You?" Celine's eyebrows slide up her forehead. "And invite who? The ghosts of your dead hamsters?"
"No, I'm going to invite you guys to my end of the world party," Octavia states, rising from her chair.
"End of the world party?" Harrison perks up. "Does that mean like, free booze and pizza? Because that crust better be stuffed or I'm not coming."
"End of the world?" Ophelia echoes next, confused. "What are you talking about?"
"According to scientists, the sun is going to explode at any given moment now," Octavia explains. "It is going to burst and we are going to die."
"What's your source?" Troyan inquires. "Because it sounds loony."
Aisha nudges her boyfriend and shoots him a look to be nice.
"A very factual website, Troyan," Octavia shoots at him, glaring. "And if you would all like to come, it would be very much appreciated."
"Octavia, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think the sun is going to explode," Lynn tries. "At least, not now--"
"You're right," she agrees. "But it's supposed to tomorrow night. And, I don't know about you guys, but you are the only people I'd like to sit with when the world falls down. So if you'd like to come, then come. If you don't want to, then don't."
Celine raises her hand, looking at Ms. Torres. "I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous, Ms. T. The world is not going to end and even if it were, I don't want to know that."
"You wouldn't want to know how much time you have left?" Thorne wonders aloud.
"No," she answers. "I would rather go the rest of my life knowing nothing," Celine says. "That's part of what makes life mysterious. You're born, life's a bitch, and then you die. If you can't make the most of it without knowing what day is your last, then that just means you're boring."
"It's not about that," Octavia snaps at her. "It's about doing what you need to do before the world ends. It's about telling people things you didn't tell them before. Admitting things and coming to terms with things that you might not want to come to terms with if it weren't for all of us dying. It's really quite simple."
"I think this has an assignment somewhere in it." Ms. Torres perks up, hurrying to the board at the front of the room. She writes End of the World across in big red letters. "Even though we're already at the end of this week, this assignment can go into next week, too."
"If we make it that long," Octavia adds.
"This is already gonna be depressing," Josie mumbles under her breath, seated by herself in the back corner.
"Now, I know that you all have your own beliefs, but let's just think about if we knew the world was actually going to end tomorrow," Ms. Torres explains. "If you knew you only had these last two days to live, what would you do?"
Aisha volunteers first. "Well for one, I wouldn't be in school."
"That isn't an option." Ms. Torres points her marker at her. "You don't have to answer now, but these next few days are things you should be thinking about. If I would've known that Mateo wasn't going to be with us, there are so many things I would've said to him."
The room falls silent, as everyone can agree on the many things they would've said to Mateo if they knew Riley was going to take him from them.
"So." Ms. Torres steers them back on track. "Say what you need to say. Do what you want to do. Life can be cut short so quickly. We never really know when it's going to be our last day, so why not make it count?"

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