Season 3, Episode 5: Inner Picaso

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Eli is in the hospital.
The night of homecoming, Octavia didn't even get to dance. She found an overdosed Eli at the record store and spent the remainder of the night with him in the hospital since his dad didn't even respond when the doctors called him. She passed out in the waiting room around 1:00am and then her mom came and picked her up. He's still not awake and today is Monday. The doctors said that it's normal for heroin overdoses to be similar to a coma but shouldn't last too long. They said that as if it was going to make Octavia feel any better about it all but she only feels worse. She is the girlfriend of a heroin addict. Nothing about that makes her feel good.
"Octavia, is there anything you want to say to kick us off this week?" Ms. Torres asks from the front of the trauma club room, fiddling with her beaded bracelets. "You don't have to, but if you want to talk about anything--"
"I need to get my mind off Eli for right now," Octavia interrupts her, clearing her voice.
"Did you guys break up?" Aisha asks.
"No, but he overdosed on heroin and has yet to wake up so I kind of would like to focus on something else this week," Octavia responds politely, Aisha's jaw dropping.
"Okay, great," Ms. Torres agrees. "That's a good lesson. I think everyone in here has busied their minds with something else other than what they're going through, yes?"
The other members murmur an agreement in unison.
"So Octavia, what is something you use to busy your mind with?"
"I get creative," she answers.
"How so?"
"Anything with art," Octavia responds. She spent her entire Sunday next to the phone waiting for a call about Eli while she handmade her own jewelry and then made a paper machete bust to model it all. She only got two likes on Instagram but hey, she thought it looked good. "Painting, drawing, sculpting, anything that I can get creative with.
Ms. Torres writes on the board: Art Week. "Well, everyone, I think we found our assignment this week."

After the bell dismisses trauma club, Celine dashes after Harrison in the hallway. She's been religiously checking his and Honor's Instagram pages to find out if they're officially a couple yet or not. And until she sees a post that says otherwise, Harrison is single. Celine might have thrown a pity party for herself at the Sadie Hawkins dance but she is not going to let one lousy night ruin her chances at trying to score Harrison. Part of her wonders if she's only trying to sink her teeth into him just to prove a point that she does still have it and she can still get what she wants, but the other part of her truly kind of likes him... in an unusual and racy kind of way. Perhaps it's lust... or maybe it's the start to a very odd fairy tale. Either way, Celine is determined to win him over.
"Whatever you're doing tomorrow night, cancel," Celine tells him when she skips up to his side.
Harrison arcs a brow. "If that's your version of a booty call, I'll clear my schedule."
Celine grins. He likes her back. "It's my version of inviting you over to do this trauma club assignment. You don't already have plans for it, right?"
"Nope," he chirps. "I was honestly just going to use my art project from last year but apparently weapons in art is frowned upon at this school."
Celine blinks at him in confusion. "Which is understandable, I guess."
"What did you have in mind, anyway?" Harrison asks as they start down the staircase together.
Celine opens her mouth to explain what her plan is but she thinks that it might scare him off too soon. She's a very seductive person. If she can get him to her house, she has a chance at more. But if she blows it up right now, she might as well just wave her white flag in the air.
"If I told you, you might get a little freaked," she admits.
He glances at her curiously. "I'm intrigued. And, if you'd ask me, freaky art is the best kind."
"Okay, then I'm glad to see you're on board," Celine chirps and gives him a three fingered wave before crossing through the senior square. Just as she flips her hair over her shoulder, she's dragged from the side.
"What are you doing?" Honor demands, her nose rings glimmering in the florescent lights from above. Her braids are spilling down her shoulders and her eyebrows are so close together they may as well be one.
"Walking to class," Celine answers sarcastically. "Unlike you, who finds it appropriate to give someone whiplash."
"I meant with Harrison, smart one," she snaps at her. "Why have you been all over him lately?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Because I like him," she admits, holding her chin high in the air. "We matched on Tinder, actually, so he likes me back."
"But you guys aren't official," Celine reminds her. "Which means he's fair game."
"But I'm telling you that I like him," Honor says again, rapidly blinking. "That's kind of girl code to tell you to step off."
"Well I could tell you the same thing about me liking him," Celine shoots back, putting her hands on her hips. "But I don't see you batting an eye."
Honor slides her jaw to the side and she rolls her eyes. "Fine. May the best lady win."
Celine clucks her tongue. "Game on."

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