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Mark was struggling with his own emotions and feelings related to the incident. Perhaps he felt overwhelmed by what had happened and didn't know how to process his emotions or talk about them with Sarah.

At first, Sarah tried to give Mark space and time to process his emotions. But as the days went by, she began to worry about his behavior. He became increasingly distant, rarely returning her calls or texts, and seemed to avoid spending time with her altogether.

Sarah was left feeling confused and hurt by Mark's sudden change in behavior. She couldn't understand why he was pulling away from her when she needed him the most. She wondered if she had done something wrong or if there was something else going on that she didn't know about.

Despite her fears and doubts, Sarah decided to have a conversation with Mark about his behavior. She wanted to understand what was going on and find out if there was anything she could do to help him.

When they finally sat down to talk, Mark admitted that he was struggling with his own emotions related to the incident. He felt overwhelmed and didn't know how to process his feelings or talk about them with Sarah. He apologized for his behavior and promised to work on being more open and communicative in the future.

Sarah appreciated Mark's honesty and willingness to work on their relationship. They agreed to take things slow and focus on rebuilding their trust and communication. It wasn't an easy road, but Sarah was willing to work through their issues together.

Over time, Mark became more open and communicative with Sarah. He began to share his emotions and feelings with her and they worked together to find healthy ways to cope with the trauma they had experienced.

As the weeks went by, Sarah couldn't help but feel overwhelmed in her relationship with Mark. She loved him deeply, but the stress of his distance and the recent hospital incident had taken a toll on her. She found herself constantly worrying about the state of their relationship and whether or not they were truly happy together.

Mark's distance was a constant source of anxiety for Sarah. She tried to talk to him about it, but he always seemed to brush off her concerns and say he was just busy with work or other obligations. Sarah wanted to believe him, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

The thought of losing Mark terrified Sarah. She had worked so hard to build a life for herself after the trauma of her past, and she didn't want to lose the person who had helped her through it all. But the more she tried to hold onto him, the more distant he became.

Sarah found herself questioning whether or not she was enough for Mark. She wondered if he was still in love with his ex or if he was just with her out of convenience. Her self-doubt began to consume her, and she felt like she was drowning in a sea of uncertainty.

Despite her anxiety, Sarah tried to hold onto hope. She reminded herself of all the good times they had shared together and the love they had for each other. But it was becoming harder and harder to ignore the signs that something was wrong.

Sarah knew she needed to have a serious conversation with Mark about their relationship, but the thought of it made her feel sick to her stomach. She didn't want to hear that he was no longer in love with her or that he wanted to end things. But she also couldn't continue living in a state of uncertainty and anxiety.

The coming days and weeks would prove to be some of the most difficult of Sarah's life as she navigated the complex emotions and uncertain future of her relationship with Mark.

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