What the fuck?!?

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Next morning, Sarah woke up and checked her phone to find a notification from a friend. The notification led her to an advertisement featuring her picture and the headline: "Unsure of what gender to date? Let Dr. Emma be your therapist guide." Sarah was shocked and confused. She had not given Emma permission to use her image for advertising purposes.

She quickly called Emma, but her call went straight to voicemail. Sarah left a message demanding an explanation for the unauthorized use of her picture. She then spent the morning scouring the internet to find any other instances of Emma using her likeness without her consent.

 Sarah's anger turned to anxiety. What other secrets had Emma been keeping from her? Had she been recording their conversations without Sarah's knowledge? Sarah began to wonder if she could ever trust Emma again. 

She couldn't hold in the anger anymore, Sarah stormed down to Emma's office, fuming with anger. She couldn't believe that Emma had used her image and personal struggle to advertise her therapy services without her consent. She barged into the waiting area and approached the receptionist.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where Dr. Emma is? I need to speak with her urgently," Sarah demanded.

The receptionist looked up, startled by Sarah's sudden outburst. "I'm sorry, Dr. Emma is with a patient at the moment. Do you have an appointment?"

"I don't need an appointment! I need to speak with her right now!" Sarah snapped.

The receptionist hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. But before she could respond, Emma emerged from her office, looking surprised to see Sarah there.

"Sarah, what's wrong?" Emma asked.

"What's wrong? You know exactly what's wrong! How dare you use my personal struggles to advertise your therapy services without my consent!" Sarah exclaimed.

Emma looked taken aback. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I thought it could help others who are going through similar struggles."

"I didn't give you permission to use my story for your personal gain! You're supposed to be my therapist, not a self-promoting fraud!" Sarah shouted.

The other patients in the waiting area had turned to look at the commotion, and Emma looked embarrassed. "Sarah, let's go into my office and talk about this, okay? We can work through it together," she said, trying to calm Sarah down.

But Sarah was not ready to listen. "No, I don't want to talk about it with you. I want you to take down that advertisement and never use my personal struggles again for your own benefit!" she yelled before storming out of the office.

As she walked away, Sarah couldn't believe that she had trusted Emma with her personal struggles, only to have them exploited for her own gain. She knew that she needed to find a new therapist, someone who would respect her boundaries and not use her for their own agenda.

Sarah started screaming at Emma, asking her how she could use her personal struggles to promote her therapy services without her permission. Emma tried to explain that she only used Sarah's story as an example of the struggles that people in the LGBTQ+ community face, but Sarah was not having it. She felt violated and exploited.

As Sarah continued to scream and break things in Emma's office, Emma tried to calm her down and reason with her. 

Sarah couldn't believe Emma's nonchalant reaction to her outburst. Emma's lack of concern only fueled Sarah's anger further, and she continued to lash out, throwing things and shouting at Emma.

Finally, Sarah collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion, tears streaming down her face. Emma looked down at her with a mixture of amusement and disdain, clearly enjoying Sarah's emotional turmoil.

"Get out," Sarah choked out between sobs. "I never want to see you again."

Emma shrugged and turned to walk out of the room. "Fine by me," she said, not bothering to look back.

As Emma left the room, Sarah sat on the floor, feeling lost and betrayed. She couldn't believe that someone she had trusted could be so callous and cruel. The anger she had felt moments ago began to dissipate, replaced by a deep sense of sadness and hurt.

As she sat there, Sarah realized that she needed to take some time for herself. She needed to figure out who she was and what she wanted in life, without the influence of someone like Emma. With a deep breath, she stood up and began to gather her things, determined to move forward and leave Emma and their toxic relationship behind.

Sarah felt a wave of betrayal wash over her as she heard the news. Emma had been using her as an experiment, treating their relationship as nothing more than a case study to analyze and write about in her work as a therapist. Sarah couldn't believe that someone she trusted and cared for could be so callous and manipulative.

Her mind raced as she thought about all the intimate moments they had shared, wondering if they had all been fake and part of Emma's twisted experiment. Sarah felt violated and used, like her emotions and vulnerabilities had been exploited for someone else's personal gain.

She confronted Emma again, demanding to know how she could do such a thing. Emma tried to defend herself, saying that Sarah had never explicitly told her that their relationship was off-limits for her research. But Sarah didn't want to hear it. She had trusted Emma to keep their private life private, and Emma had betrayed that trust.

Sarah was deeply hurt by Emma's betrayal. She couldn't believe that someone she trusted would use her in such a way. She knew she had to do something about it.

After much thought, Sarah decided to go public about what Emma had done. She contacted a local news outlet and told them her story. They were interested in hearing more and asked her to come in for an interview.

During the interview, Sarah recounted how Emma had used her as an experiment and had betrayed her trust. She talked about the damage that Emma's actions had caused and how she hoped that speaking out would prevent others from going through the same experience.

The interview was broadcast on the evening news, and Sarah received an outpouring of support from the community. People were outraged by Emma's actions and praised Sarah for having the courage to speak out.

Sarah spent some time reflecting on her experiences with Emma and realized that she wanted to help others who may be struggling with similar issues. She decided to apply for a position as a counselor guide, where she could use her own experiences to help others navigate their own challenges.

Over the next few weeks, Sarah worked hard on her application and was eventually accepted into the program. She felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as she began her new role, helping others who were struggling with their own identities and relationships.

As Sarah started working with her clients, she found that her own experiences allowed her to connect with them on a deeper level. She was able to offer insights and guidance based on her own journey, and many of her clients found her advice to be invaluable.

Sarah felt fulfilled by her new role and found a sense of purpose in helping others. She no longer felt unsure about her own identity or relationships, as she had found a way to channel her experiences into something positive and meaningful.

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