Emily emily

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Mark was still struggling to let go of his feelings for Emily, his ex-girlfriend, despite his efforts to move on and build a new life with Sarah. He found himself constantly comparing Sarah to Emily and feeling like she didn't quite measure up.

As a result, Mark began to withdraw from Sarah emotionally. He became distant and uncommunicative, often disappearing for hours without explanation. Sarah began to feel overwhelmed and insecure in the relationship, constantly questioning herself and wondering what she was doing wrong.

She tried to talk to Mark about his behavior, but he would always brush her off or turn the conversation back around to her. He made her feel like she was the problem, that she was too needy or too demanding, and that he needed space.

Sarah felt like she was walking on eggshells around Mark, afraid to bring up any issues or concerns for fear of pushing him away even further. She tried to give him the space he seemed to need, but it only seemed to make things worse.

As the weeks went by, Sarah began to feel more and more isolated in the relationship. She missed the connection and intimacy they once shared, and she began to doubt whether Mark really loved her at all.

Despite her doubts and fears, Sarah was determined to fight for the relationship. She loved Mark deeply and believed that they could work through their issues if they just communicated openly and honestly with each other.

But as Mark continued to distance himself from her, Sarah began to wonder whether the relationship was worth fighting for after all. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was still hooked on Emily and that no matter what she did, she would never be enough for him.

"What's wrong?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

Mark didn't answer. Instead, he continued to rant, saying hurtful things that Sarah couldn't believe were coming from him. She tried to defend herself, but he wouldn't listen. He was too consumed with his own emotions to hear her side of the story.

Sarah felt hurt and confused. She had no idea where this sudden anger was coming from or what she had done to deserve it. She tried to calm him down, but he refused to listen. Eventually, he stormed out of the room, leaving Sarah alone to deal with the aftermath of his outburst.

She sat there for a few moments, trying to process what had just happened. Her mind was racing with questions. Had she done something wrong? Was he upset about something else? Did he no longer love her?

Sarah felt overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. She wanted to reach out to Mark and talk to him, but she was scared of his reaction. She didn't want to say or do anything that would make the situation worse.

In the days that followed, Mark remained distant and cold towards Sarah. He barely spoke to her and when he did, it was only to criticize or belittle her. Sarah felt like she was walking on eggshells around him, never knowing what would set him off.

She tried to talk to him about what had happened, but he refused to engage. He shut her out completely, leaving her feeling more alone and confused than ever before. Sarah didn't know how to fix things between them, but she knew that something had to change.

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