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After we ate, me and Eli went up to his room. I jumped and plopped down on his bed, quickly regretting it. I rolled over onto my back holding my stomach. Eli chuckled and crawled on top of me and pinned me down.

"What are you doing.?" I said as my heart rate sky rocked when he touched me. It almost felt like a shock and I knew he felted it too because his eyes lit up. It felt like I touched my mate. I was confused because you can only have one mate. "Wha.?" I said

"I don't know. You felt that too.?"

"How.? I already have a mate." I said looking deep into his beautiful light brown eyes.

"I dont know." He said smiling. He ran his hand up my arm until his hand meet mine. I started to get goosebumps and a shock ran through me. I felt guilty for cheating but his touch felt amazing.

He pins my hands above my head and starts to make out with me. His tongue lingurs at the edge of my lips asking for entre. And of course, I let him. He was an AWESOME kisser. My mind was defently wanting him as my mate. I tried moving my hands but he had them pinned hard to the bed. We let go of eachother for air. Oh god.. My inner wolf craved him but there was also a hint of a affention for Apollo. Oh god. My mind flooded with thoughts of Apollo. Thanks. I sighed.
"Whats wrong?" Eli said.

I snapped out of it and stared deep into his eyes. "What? Oh nothing."

I rolled out from under him. And walked to the bathroom. "Where ya going?" He said following me.

"Taking a shower." I said over my shoulder as I turned the shower on.

"Can I join you?" He smirked as he leaned up against the wall. I was falling in love with that smile.

"I dont know, can you?" I snapped as I got undressed.

His eyes ran up and down my body. I wasn't shy about him seeing me naked because he has for years.
I placed my hand on my hip and then shut the door and got in the shower. As I washed, I heard the door open then shut. Soon the curtains were drawn back like a flash that made me scream. It was Apollo.

"What are you doing here?" I screamed as i grabbed a towel.

His eyess looked me up and down like i was some kind of tasty plup deer in green leaf. I looked down at his knuckles that were covered in blood.

"What did you do!" I growled.

"Don't worry you wont see him again." Apollo smiled.

"What did you do to him?!" I screamed and ran out of the bathroom. I stopped in my tracks to see Eli laying across his bed, beaten and bloody. His chest rose and fell slowly. I screamed and ran to his side. He looked at me and smiled a bloody smile.
"Im sorry." He whispered.

I broke down in tears. I felt a strong hand on my arm and before i knowit, im being yanked back. I pushed away from his chest and look up at him with eyes full of tears. "How dare you!" I growl.

"Let's go." Apollo says.v

"Let me heal him first!" I cried.

"No." He said pulling me toward the door.
I bite down on his arm, drawing blood. As he let go of me, i ran back to Eli's side. I quickly placed my hands on his chest and healed him. I didn't black out this time which was weird. Apollo yanked me back and slapped me. I growled in pain and he slung me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed as he tided my hands and feet together.

"Let's go." He said to what looked like Austin, his beta, and Clovo, his delta.
He threw me in the back of his truck and drove off. I cried until I fell asleep.

I woke up in a red and black room. (Mostly black)Uh, I hate red. I looked around and sat up. Apollo was no where to be seen. I looked at what I was wearing. It was my Lephard onsie (I have a lot of onise or kigurumi's). I move the covers and crawled out of the bed. I wiped my eyes and yawned. I stood and walked out of the room and down the stairs. This house was huge! Chandlier over the stairs. White walls and carpets. I felt like i was in heaven! I rushed down stairs and to the kitchen. I round the corner and stop dead in my tracks. I see thw pack (or every pack) slut, Nasha, bent over the Island counter with Apollo right behind her. They moaned which made me clinch my fists. He made out with her and i felt that spark grow into a fire. My eyes glowed. I growled and Apollo looked at me and smiled. He didn't stop fucking that whore.

"Want to join?" He said.

"No the fuck i dont want to join!" I snapped. "Why are you still fucking her?"
I lost my shit. "HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU! YOU DRAG ME HERE, ALMOST KILL MY MATE, AND THEN FUCK THAT SLUT!" I snarled and slamed my fist to the wall. It went straight through the wall making a huge hole in it. "Im leaving." I say walking to the door. Apollo snaps his fingers and his delta and beta block the door.

"No ma'am." He said thrushing her one then pulled out. He stood there and patted her so she can leave.

"This isn't going to end just yet." I smirk.

"Oh now you want t-" He was quickly cut off as I jumped at Nasha in my wolf form.

I grabbed her by her throat and shook her. I flung her against the wall and the walked up to her with tense muscles . Austin jumped at me but I dodge him and bit into his presser point making him go limp. I threw him toward Apollo and then grab Nasha. She was in her wolf form. I grabbed her foot and twisted it. She whimpered as I turned my attention to Apollo as he tackled me. I growled and dug my back claws into his flank. I pushed him off me and grabbed him by his throat. Shocks ran through my body but Ignored them. I dropped him and ran to my room; tears running down my face. I slammed the door shut and screamed a blood curleding scream. "I hate you!" I screamed as tears ran down my face like a water fall. I changed back into my human form and punched a wall. Anger burned inside me like a fire. I walked to the bathroom door and kicked it off the hinges. "I will never love you, Apollo! I will never!" I snarled at the top of my lungs. I grabbed the dresser and flung it across the floor. I stomped to the night stand, grabbed the lamp and threw it as hard as I could at the wall. It scattered into millions of pieces. I dug my claws into the bedrom wall. Stomping over to the dresser I pulled the sheets off and flung myself on the bed. I grabbed everything and anything I could break.  I fell to the ground next to the bed and cried myself to sleep.

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