Chapter 4

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I pulled into my house driveway and turned off my truck. All the lights were on, so they were probably making dinner. Grabbing my bookage, I opened my door and jumpped out. As my feet hit ground, my back scratched a stick that was lodged in door.

"Son of a mmm!" I growled and threw the stick down.

"Hey watch your language!" I heard my dad say. I looked at the front door to see my father walking over to me.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed and jumped into his arms. I loved my dad. He was my life. He raised me even with the Alpha title while mother was out 'with her friends'. I lifted my nose and took a deep breath. "Are you cooking deer?" I asked. My dad was the best cook ever. He cooked all kinds of delicious stuff.

"Yep, your favorite." He hugged me close. I haven't been around my dad for about a month. He had to stay at the pack house for a while because of Alpha business. "Come on let's go inside."

I nodded and followed him in the house.

As soon I got in my house, my dog jumped at me and I picked her up. I giggled as she licked my face and whimpered with joy. After she calmed, I placed her back down and followed dad into the kitchen. Deer meat scent filled the air as I walked into the kitchen. I took a deep breath and exhaled hard. That smell made my belly growl.

"Hungry?" Dad asked. I nodded my head and sat at the bar, watching him.

"Where's mom?" I asked him. I already knew the answer, out with her friends.

"Out wit-" He started but I cut him off.

"her friends. Yea, that's the explanation everyday. Why don't you just leave her? She doesn't need the Luna title anyways." I said placing my arms on the bar and then placing my head on my hands.

"Because that's your mother! Don't speak that way about her!" He growled at me.

"Because it's true and you know it." I snapped back, I never snapped at him and I felt gulity about it but I never liked talking sweet things about my mother after what she did. "And you didn't say you were her mate."

3 years ago.

I hopped down stairs and walked toward the dining room. We lived in the pack house but dad said we'll move. As I made my way into the dinning room, I started to hear moans. I just shrugged it off and grabbed my drink off the huge table. But the moaning made me follow it, I was very curious of what was happening. I slid across the wall until I got to the kitchen doorway. Slowly looking, I saw my mother pressed to the counter with, Dave, one of our guards, of top of her. I let out a scream at what I saw.

"Angelika!" My mothers eye flashed pitch black - every werewolves eyes did that when they were angry. She back handed me, sending flying backwards. I let out a wail as my face burned from her slap. Dave covered up and backed up. My mother screamed at me and kicked me in my side.

"Dad!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I tasted it, the mettlic taste of blood. I watched my dad rush into the room. My vision went hazy and slowly turned black.

"Well, how was school?" He said trying to change the subject. I just rolled my eyes and scratched my head. I was in no mood to be happy. I never was.

 The front door opened and shut and I knew my mother was home. "Hey honey!" She said walking into the kitchen and kissing dad. Ew. I wouldn't let her kiss me for the world. She turned and looked at me as she put her bags down. "Hey sweety."

I held back a sharp comeback. Just smile, rolls your eyes and walk away. That's what I exactly did.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard her ask my father.

I whipped around, my eye blazing at her. I lowered my head and growled, "You. You're my problem."
"Don't speak to your mother like that!" She hissed and then looked at my father for back up but he just stared at the food.
"I'll speak to you the way I want to. Just because your my mother doesn't mean I have to respect you." I curled my lip back and spat, raising my voice. Anger intertwinned with every word.
"Yes it does! I birthed you into this world and I can take you out!" She tried scaring me with those words all my life so I just rolled my eyes.
"I'd like to see you try!" I snapped and whirled around, storming out of the kitchen. I wasn't on a mood to deal with her.
Pushing my door open, I slammed it shut and plopped down on my bed. I never respected her. She is such a bitch. I sigh and release the anger that had tightened in my back. My face down in my sheets, I let out a long, anger filled sigh. Why did she have to be so frustating? Like, back down, you aren't worthy to be Luna. Whore. Then, of course, little claws scrap my door.
"Coming!" I grunt as I roll of my bed and walk over to the door. Opening my door a bit, I let Magic in. She stumbles in on little fat legs making me giggle. Her ears prick in excitement as I shut the door and pick her up. "Magic, you fat little piglet." I giggle as I kiss her head and set her on my bed; her tail wagging, vigorously. Grabbing my phone, I headed to the bathroom and shut the door. I locked Rain's door, turned on the shower, and turned the song, I will not bow by Breaking Benjamin, on.

"Fall! Now the dark begins to rise........Now's your chance to run for cover." I micked the song, nodding my head with the beat.

  I plop down on my bed and let out a long sigh. The water loosened the anger that tightened my back. Magic clampered on top of my back digging her sharp claws into my back. Grunting, I pushed her off and lowly growled at her. She whimpered and lay on the other side of my bed.

I sighed and patted the spot next to me. "Come on." She grumbled at me but crawled over to the spot I patted next to me. Curling in a ball, she licked her paws and nudged her head under my bed sheets.

    I pushed the doors of the school open and walked in. No one messed with me, no one talked to me, no one even looked at me. I just shrugged and walked to my locker. I liked not being messed with. But I just wanted to know why no one was talking to me. Even Eli wasn't talking to me. Like, I was the target to be messed with everyday. Shrugging it off again, I walked to my locker, put my combination in, and opened it.

 I put my book bag in it, grabbed my homework out of my book bag, and grabbed my books. A hand was placed on my back sending sparks through me. That gentle touch soon became a hard shove. I dropped my books as my body slammed against the locker. Turning around, I looked at the person who shoved me.

  I gasped as my eyes met Apollo's. Him and his best friend, Austin, were laughing at me. As I stood, I dusted myself off and stared at him.

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