Chapter 1

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I sat under the full moon. The full moon lit up the whole field. The breeze ruffed through my hair as I ran my fingers through the the grass. I felt so connected to the land that I couldn't help but howl. The grass glistened from the moon light. I stared at the moon in ah. I let out another howl but this one sounded sweet and smooth. My chest vibrated as the sweet nose emitted from my lungs.

I whipped my head around as I heard something behind me. I raised my head and smell the air. A faint scent of fox but a strong scent of another wolf. I felt a growl rise in my throat. A black figure emerged from the woods lining the whole field. I transformed into my wolf form and tensed my muscles. It walked closer and closer. I let out a warning growl but it ignore the growl and strutted toward me with pride. As the figure walk into the moon light, I could make out want it was. It was Apollo.! The finest and most popular guy in school. I stumbled backwards and soon falling. I sat there changing back to my human form. I quickly gathered my clothes and then put them on. He was soon towering over me with his baby blue eyes shining from the moon light. His beanie and light brown hair shone too. But the thing that shined the brightest was his teeth.

"That howl." He said in awe. "The way it sounded, it was so smooth it sound made me follow it."

I so realized that my mouth was open, so I quickly shut it and stood. I blushed "Thank you."

'Kiss him.!' Those words raced through my mind.

"Angelika is your name, right.?"

"Yes, yours is Apollo, is it not.?" I said then quickly regretting it.

'Your so stupid.! You really had to say 'is it not'.?' My head spinned with insults.
"Yes." He chuckled and his smile got bigger, showing his dimples. "Angelika, that's a beautiful name."

"Thank you. Yours too." Really.? 'Yours too'.? I'm really not my self today.


"Well I got to go but first would you like to say the prayer with me.?" I slapped my forehead and rolled my eyes and myself. 'God, what is wrong with you today Angelika.?'

After and a long pause, he ran his hand through his hair and said "sure".

We both chanted the prayer toward the full moon.

*Spirit of the wolf ,*
*You who wanders the Wild lands. You who stalks In silent shadows. You who runs and leaps. Between the moss covered trees. Lead me your primal strength. And the wisdom of your glowing eyes. Teach me to relentlessly track my desire. And stand in defense of those I love.* I quickly glance at Apollo and our eyes meet and we lock eyes for a few seconds before returning to saying the prayer. *Show me the hidden paths and the moonlit fields. Fierce spirit, Walk with me in my solitude. Howl with in my joy. Guard me as I move through this world.*

I turned and looked at him. "I have to go now. See ya later."

He grabbed my hand in his soft hands and ever so lightly kisses me on the forehead. A shock ran through my body and his lips connected with my forehead. I then knew he was my mate. My knees locked up and I stood frozen. I shook my head and hugged him. And of course he hugged me back. I turned and sprinted off toward my house.

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