
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a big flame just blew out of my fingers flying towards the toad and exploded the toad in to pieces.



The explosion sent off a gust of wind, blowing my hair and clothes back.

[Y/N]: "Damn! Look at that! That was freaking amazing!"

The Toad I deleted was the same Toad that was trying to eat kazuma and somehow, aqua didn't see it approaching her.

Kazuma: "What the fuck ?! That's Op as hell!"

[Y/N]: "I know right!"

I run towards aqua to see her sitting on the ground...

[Y/N]: "I didn't hurt you did I?"

Suddenly aqua begins to shake me and starts to cry.


Kazuma: "eww"

Aqua was covered in sticky slime that smelled disgusting...

[Y/N]: "Get off me! Argh! Will ya let go of me already! Ugh."

Aqua finally let's go of me...

[Y/N]: "How in the hell did you not see the toad coming towar-"

Cutting me off aqua begins running to another toad a few meters away.

Aqua: "You will feel the true wrath of a goddess! god blow!"

[Y/N]: "What the hell are you doing!?"

With a bright and sparkling light - that looks Menacing as it looks - aqua punches the giant toad with her Powerful attack!


Or so I thought...

Aqua: *giggles* "up close you Froggy's look really cute."

Kazuma: "uh oh"

[Y/N]: "uh oh indeed..."

Aqua then gets chomped on again by the toad.

After we saved aqua, we ended up going back to the baths to wash our sweat and tears from our bodies.




After taking a bath, me and kazuma went to go pick up the 10,000 Eris for killing the two toads.

[Y/N]: "Hey how's it going Luna?"

Luna: "Oh hey [Y/N] it's good to see you again. It's going great!"

[Y/N]: "It's good to see you too. If you don't mind we could ehh... get a drink, chat a bit, Eat, then go back to my place so we can-"


[Y/N]: "Ow! That hurt man."

Kazuma: "Enough with the flirting, let's do what we came here for!"

[Y/N]: "okay! okay!"

Luna then went to the back to get our reward money while we stood at the counter for a few minutes...

Kazuma: "She's in love with you huh."

[Y/N]: "I'm not sure if she is. She sure has some amazing Pillows though."

[Y/N]: "Man I should actually ask her out for a drink when she comes back"

Konosuba X Male Reader (Harem)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon