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Deku POV
As I'm waking up, I can already feel that today is going to be a bad day so I thought, I might as well go mess my self up even more by giving my self even more ugly scars, but my arms are already full of "healing" cuts so I thought why not my legs, so after deciding where to cut, I went to go look for my blade. After some time of looking, I can't seem to find my blade anywhere, UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH, he took it again didn't he,
"KUROGIRI DID YOU TAKE MY BLADE AGAIN" I yell as I'm going down "yes I needed to, I had a feeling that you would cut your self again, plus you need to stop just look at you, you loos inuf blood already when you're  fighting and you fight every day"
he says "ugh fine you meany" I say as I roll my eyes, I don't care I can just go to the couch and watch TV.

Todoroki POV

Last night I couldn't get my mind off about that kiss and about him, but as I get ready for the day, I see a piece of paper on the floor so pic it up and I saw that it had his name on it and I think or I hope it's his phone number, he must have slipped it in while we we're kissing, Deku, it's say on the paper, cute name I like it. I hear a knock on my door, it cut me from my thoughts, so I quickly hide the piece of paper in my pocket and I go open the door, "Hey shoto" it's Fuyumi "Hey " I Responded "Are you ok?" She asked "Yeah, why" "Well it's 2 in the afternoon and you usually wake up way earlier than that, so I got worried" She said in a concern voice "I'm fine it's was just because I couldn't sleep" That had be the worst excuse I could have said now she is going to ask about it "Why couldn't you got to sleep ,something is wrong tell me pleas!" I knew it " It's really nothing" I said "ok if you say so" she says leaving slowly. I should really try not to get her so worried about me.

Time skip night time

DEKU POV Sitting in a roof

I wonder if he found the paper I gave him. BZZzZ BzZZz, ugh who is iiiiittt, I let out a small gasp when I read the text, it's him.

Text messages POV
Shoto: Uhh hi it's me Todoroki shoto
Deku: HIII, you found it! I'm so happy
Shoto: That's nice, so how are you doing
Deku:  I'm ok really, I just have a bad headache 🤕...
Deku: what about you
Shoto: I'm doing fine, I feel bad for you, hope you feel better soon
Deku: thx, so what have you been up to
Shoto: Nothing much just living life, how about you
Deku: nothing much just doing my thing, I'm actually just sitting on a roof top

Nobody POV

It had seemed they have text for days, Todoroki was actually smiling for the first time in a while and he was blushing to he seemed to have enjoyed texting Deku as much Deku enjoyed texting Him, Deku had a good feeling that he will join him on his team and leave UA, but after hours of texting each other they finally called it a night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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