Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


       Zion has been acting a bit off for the past couple days. I thought he would have been acting excited and happy since he got signed to Mementos Records, but that wasn't the case. I wasn't sure if something happened because he hasn't said anything about it, but he doesn't have to tell me everything that happens to him, especially if it was something he didn't want to talk about.

       However, I was starting to worry about him. He were doing our homework right now in his bedroom, but he wasn't focusing on it. I mean, he rarely focused on his homework because he found it boring, but he normally would find some excuse not to do it. Whether it be wanting to listen to music or watch a video or nap, there was some kind of excuse.

       Not right now. 

       Zion was just staring off into space, not focusing on anything. He wasn't complaining about his homework or trying to convince me to let him copy my notes or anything. He was just... silent. Doing nothing.

       I tried focusing on my homework, but my mind was too occupied being worried about Zion. Eventually, I had to just ignore my homework for now. I spun the computer chair around so I could face Zion, who was sprawled on his bed with his homework in front of him. "Zion, are you okay?" I asked.       

       Zion looked up from his homework. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

       "You've just been very... off the past couple days," I said. "A bit quieter than normal."

       Zion didn't respond right away. He just stared at his homework again before eventually sighing heavily and pushing his homework off of his bed. "I'm okay," he said. "I'm just a bit pissed about something that happened on Saturday."

       "What happened?" I asked.

       Once again, Zion didn't reply right away. He just moved his position so he was now lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. "Ashawn came home for the weekend because he wanted to congratulate me in person for getting signed to Mementos Records. We went to the corner store together because he wanted to buy a few snacks to bring back to his dorm. And the cashier was racist to Ashawn."

       "Oh," I said. "That's horrible. I'm sorry."

       "I didn't even happen to me, but it just pisses me off," Zion said. "Ashawn was doing nothing wrong. He was just waiting for me to pick something out. I was the one taking stuff off the shelves and putting it back because I couldn't decide. But because I'm white and Ashawn is black, the cashier immediately assumed Ashawn was going to steal something."

       I got up from the computer chair before walking over to Zion's bed, lying down beside him. "What happened after?"

       "Ashawn was trying to explain that he was waiting for me, but the cashier wasn't listening," Zion said. "He didn't listen at all until I stepped in and said Ashawn was my brother, which magically made everything seem like it was okay. We refused to buy anything from there afterwards, so Ashawn dropped the snacks on the counter before we left. I hate how that happens every single day and a lot of the times, it's worse than that. All because someone's colour of their skin isn't white. Has something like that ever happened to you?"

       "Well, not in the way it happened to Ashawn," I said. "But yeah, people are racist to me from time to time. One time, someone pretended to mock the Chinese language to make fun of me, even though I'm Filipino. Racists can't even tell the difference between different Asian countries."

       "I'm sorry that happens to you," Zion said. "I just wish there was something I could do. Something more than just stepping in when I see someone being racist."

       "There's always something," I said. "Like... Signing petitions, donating, protesting. And now that you've been gaining followers on social media since Mementos Records announced they signed you, you can use your voice to get to your followers."

       Zion, once again, was silent before it looked like an idea struck him. He smiled at me. "I think I have an idea."

       "What is it?" I asked.

       "Well, the first thing that came to my mind was a song," Zion said. "But then I realized that's probably not the best idea to sing about someone else's struggles. I am definitely not taking other people's voices away. Then I thought that I could still use my music."


       "Well, Dolores and Donny told me that we can start working on getting an album released. So that's what I'm going to do, and the first earnings I make from the sale is going to go to the Black Lives Matter movement. Every single dollar."

       I smiled at Zion. "That sounds like a great idea."

       Zion got off of the bed. "Which means that we have to get to work right away."

       I sat up on the bed. "Zion, as much as I love both the idea and your enthusiasm, there's something you're forgetting."

       "What is it?" Zion asked.

       "Your homework," I said. "I came over so I can help you with your homework, not so you can just completely ignore it."

       Zion sighed. "And here I was, thinking you came over because you're my boyfriend."

       "Well, that's part of the reason," I said. "But you can't risk failing any of your classes. Imagine this; you have to go to summer school."

       Zion covered his ears. "No, please don't say that. School in the summer is the worst thing to have ever been made."

       "Then..." I leaned over and picked his homework off the floor. "I suggest you do your homework. I promise, as soon as you're done, we can start throwing ideas around for some songs."

       "Can't I just copy your homework?" Zion asked.

       "Nope." I got off of the bed and went back to the desk where I was working before. "It won't take that long, though."

       "For you," Zion said. "This is why people call you Einstein."

       "Or because my last name is Einstein."

       "Same thing. Please let me copy off of you?"

       "No. Would you ask me to let you copy off of me during a test? Actually, never mind, you would totally ask me that."

       "Don't we have a test next Friday in fourth period? Can I copy off of you then?"

       "What? No. You're not copying my homework or my test or anything."

       Zion sighed. "Fine. But if I fail, just know that's on your conscience."

       I placed my hand over my heart. "I'll try not to let it drag me down."


i love these two so much <3

my parents are gone for the weekend so i have to watch my younger siblings WHICH MEANS PARTY TIME WOO

jk my version of a party is playing animal crossing now that i finally got stitches <3 he's my birthday twin and i love him so much.

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