Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


       To make sure things ran smoothly on the talk show, Zion had to be there for rehearsals on Friday after school. If he wasn't performing, he would have only had to be there a few hours before he was scheduled to be on the show but he had to rehearse for his performance.

       Zion was allowed to bring a plus one, not including me since I was considered his manager and would already be backstage with him. Once his friends found out, there was a lot of arguing about who Zion would take.

       In the end, Zion decided to let Alika come since she was going to be the one styling him. And because she threatened to release baby photos of him on the internet.

       I didn't know why Zion was trying to hide his baby photos, especially because Alika sent them to me anyway and I thought Zion was the cutest baby ever. He was such a smiley baby; not a single one of those photos were of him frowning.

       The moment the bell rang to dismiss us, Zion quickly packed up his supplies, excited to head over to the TV studio for rehearsals. So far, there were no issues with the regular members of his band showing up. We did have to find a new guitarist since the last one didn't come to the show with Major Vocal, and Zion didn't want to give him another chance.

       I didn't blame him. Quitting the night before a concert was kind of a crappy thing to do. At least if it happened again, I wouldn't mind filling in the spot since I could play a lot of instruments. It always helped with my songwriting, and I've always loved music.

       "Dane, hurry up," Zion said in a whiny voice. "I want to get out of here and head to the studio."

       "I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying," I said, shoving my things in my backpack. "And are you sure you just don't want to get out of here before one of the staff remind you that you have detention?"

       "What?" Zion asked. "I totally do not have detention. None whatsoever, and certainly not because I forgot to wear my tie once again."

       "I thought it would have been because you decided to ride your skateboard through the hallway?"

       "Nah, nobody caught me. Or if they did, they didn't care."

       To be honest, it was probably the latter. Teachers stopped caring about what Zion did to break the rules at school. Mainly because he never really did it to cause any harm. He was just a lazy and forgetful person at times.

       Zion actually didn't have detention, though. He was always careful not to get detention on one of the days he had to leave right away for work. Well, for his singing career. If it was for working at the theatre, he didn't really care if he got detention or not.

       We met Alika outside in the parking lot by Zion's car. I slept over at Zion's house last night, which I have been doing recently so he drove us both to school today. Things weren't going bad at home or anything. My mom still just kept talking about Carrie's career and not mine. I would rather be in a place where I felt more appreciated.

       Zion tried getting into the driver's seat, but I stopped him. "I'll drive," I said.

       "But it's my car," Zion said.

       "Yes, but you tend to speed when you get excited about going somewhere. So for safety reasons, and because I don't want to get car sick, I think it will be safer if I drive."

       Zion sighed, taking the keys out of his backpack before tossing them to me. Zion was relatively a good driver; he just sped a few times when he really shouldn't. This would have been one of those times.

       "I still can't believe my brother is going to be on a talk show," Alika said as we were driving to the TV studio. "But if you don't mention me, I'm never going to talk to you ever again."

       "How exactly am I going to just mention you?" Zion asked. "It depends on the questions she asked. I can't just randomly be like 'Hey, by the way, I have a sister named Alika'."

       "That better not be how you mention me. Wow, you have a sister named Alika? Congrats. That's so cool."

       "Like I said, it depends on the questions so you're going to have to be patient and wait to see."

       "Oh, please, it does not depend on the questions. I bet you're going to find any excuse you can to talk about Dane. She'll ask you your favourite food or something, and you'll just end up going on a rant about Dane."

       "That is not... Okay, that's true. But who can blame me? Just look at him. He's beautiful and talented and beautiful and kind and beautiful and--"

       "I get it," Alika said. "You don't have to keep going on about him. No offence, Dane. I just don't want to hear my brother go on and on about his boyfriend while I am painfully single."

       "Then just... Don't be single," Zion said.

       "Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of that," Alika said. "That's an amazing idea. I'll get started on that right away."

       Zion just smiled before leaning comfortably in the passenger seat. "So I have a question. Let's say that I somehow get Carrie's number. Maybe it's because my boyfriend knows her so it won't be like I can obtain it illegally. So hypothetically, if I do have her number, would it be cocky if I brag to her about being on the talk show?"

       "Yes, that would be cocky," I said. "And no, I will not be giving you her number. Look, she'll find out about the talk show eventually. She really doesn't need you rubbing it in your face, especially because she has been on more than enough talk shows."

       "I know. I just want to rub it in her face because she called me a one hit wonder."

       "You and I both know you're not a one hit wonder. She'll figure that out soon."


i was going to make this chapter the talk show but i would much rather have that in zion's pov since he's the one being interviewed lol.

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