Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


       I was extremely nervous for the concert happening tonight. Not because I was going to be performing. In fact, I was excited to get on stage so I could continue doing what I love. The part that I was nervous for was that I was opening for Major Vocal. Meaning I was going to be meeting them.

       Not only did I love their music, but I also loved who they were as people. They had such amazing reputations. Not a single bad thing was said about them. Well, there were some things, but it was usually started by a band that was constantly competing with Major Vocal. I couldn't even remember their name half the time. Something about a worm, I think?

       Either way, I knew meeting Major Vocal in person would live up to my expectations. Or at least, I hoped it would. The only doubts I had were because of people constantly saying, "You should never meet your heroes." Surely, it wasn't always a bad thing, right?

       Not only was I feeling extremely nervous, I was also extremely antsy the whole drive to the venue. Dane must have been able to tell something was wrong, or at least off, because he asked, "Are you okay? You're not talking as much as normal."

       "I don't talk that much," I said.

       "No, you do," Dane said. "You do remember all the times teachers have threatened you with detention because you won't stop talking, right?"

       "At least it's not like I talk during the lessons," I said. "I only do it when I'm bored because of the schoolwork we have to do. I still don't talk too much."

       Dane snorted. "Okay. But for real, are you okay? Nervous?"

       "Kind of," I said. "Not for the concert. I can't wait for everyone's attention to be on me."

       "Of course. So what are you nervous for?"

       "Meeting Major Vocal. I've been fans of them close to the beginning of their career."

       "Oh. Well, don't be nervous. Literally moments after meeting them, it will feel like you've known them for years. They're amazing at making anyone feel welcomed."

       I looked over at Dane, who's focusing on the road in front of us. "Wait. Have you meet them before?"

       Dane nodded. "Yeah. They're signed to the same record label as Carrie, so I ran into them a few times. Oh, and they wanted to collaborate with Carrie once, but they decided not to once they saw Carrie's true colours. So if you really want to bond with Major Vocal, just trash Carrie. They'll love you right away."

       "Ooh, bonding with someone over our hatred for Carrie is a plus in my books."

       It didn't take long for us to get to the venue, and I pretty much jumped out of the car before it Dane could turn it off. He sighed heavily, taking the keys out of the ignition. "Zion, the reason why I drove here was so you wouldn't be reckless as soon as we got into the parking lot. That includes getting out before I could turn the car off."

       "Sorry," I said, bouncing up and down on my feet. "I'm just excited. Nervous, but excited. And antsy. I'm a whole lot of thing."

       "You definitely are a whole lot of things," Dane said as he was getting out of the car.

       I immediately glared at my boyfriend. "That sounded like an insult."

       Dane only smiled at me innocently before getting the guitar case out of the car. I still couldn't believe he was going to be performing on stage with me. Maybe I should convince him to do a duet with me one day. He was an amazing singer. He just preferred songwriting and didn't care too much for performing.

       Major Vocal was already in the venue when Dane and I got there, and I could honestly say I felt like fainting on the spot when I saw them. They were onstage, but they weren't practicing or anything. Malachi and Aviva were sitting at the front of the stage, Junior was eating a sandwich, Otis was tuning his bass, and Ricky was lying on the stage, twirling his drumsticks in his hands.

       Ricky was the first to notice that Dane and I were here; the rest of the band probably hadn't arrived since they had to transport their instruments as well. He got up, hopped off the stage. "Ooh, you must be Zion," he said as he walked over. "Just kidding, I know you're Zion. I watched your music video, after all. Which, by the way, was awesome."

       This was it. This was the moment I died. Getting complimented by Ricky Lyon himself was enough to ascend me to heaven. Goodbye, world.

       "Thanks," I was finally able to get out. "I'm a huge fan. Of Major Vocal, that is."

       Ricky smiled. "I like you already." He looked over at Dane. "You look familiar... Wait, don't tell me... No, I need a hint."

       "We both dislike Carrie," Dane said.

       "Right, you're her songwriter that hates her," Ricky said.

       "I wouldn't say I hate her," Dane said. "Oh, and I'm no longer her songwriter. I write with Zion now."

       "So that's why Carrie's lyric quality went down," Ricky said. "Full offence to her, but nobody wants to hear her sing about how wealthy she is." 

       "Exactly why I'm writing with Zion now," Dane said. "He actually appreciates lyrics. And, of course, he's very talented."

       "And I don't like Carrie," I said.

       "Yeah, I like you even more now," Ricky said. He turned around to look at his bandmates. "Guys, come meet Zion! He's very cool! He hates Carrie!"

       Dane was right when he said Major Vocal would bond with anyone who hated Carrie. I thought he was exaggerating but nope, it was very easy to get along with the band once they found out that I didn't like Carrie.

       It definitely made the wait to the concert a lot more fun.

       And the concert itself? It was the most fun I ever had performing in a long time. Everything about it was amazing; the audience, my band, the fact that I was opening for one of my favourite bands. I had the time of my life.

       I couldn't be more thankful to have Dane in my life. I definitely had to think of something to thank him for everything he had done for me.


stan major vocal, my chaotic children. zion and ricky would be the best of friends tbh. they hate someone? they would constantly trash them (only in private. they would never drag someone for the world to see)(maybe)

it was just checking when i started this book and it's been almost a year already oof. i'm happy i thought of it because i love zion and dane <3

next chapter, we get some heartwarming moments between dane and one of his parents :0



Dane and Zionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें