Chapter 44

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Chapter 44


       After folding the piece of paper in front of me into an airplane, I tossed it towards Dane. I was hoping it would just land on his desk, but I apparently wasn't that good at making paper planes. Or aiming. Either way, the paper airplane hit his head before landing on the floor.

       Dane rubbed the back of his head before turning around to look at me, his eyebrows furrowed. I pointed to the floor, so Dane looked down and saw my genius invention. He stared at it for a bit before looking back at me. I gestured to it again, so this time he picked it up.

       He didn't know what to do with it, so I mimed unfolding it, hopefully that would be enough for him to understand. Our class was currently having 'silent time' as we did our homework while our teacher caught up on some paperwork, and he didn't appreciate even the slightest of peeps.

       Dane unfolded it, reading what was on it before turning back around and placing it on his desk. He marked something on it with his pen before handing it back to me.

       I graciously took it, though I kind of wish I didn't. On it, I wrote Do you 'like' like me? Yes or no. Two boxes were underneath, one with yes, and one with no.

       Dane marked no.

       "Huh?!" I accidentally said aloud after my heart shattered into many pieces.

       "Zion Steele," my teacher said as he looked at me sternly. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is a time to quietly work on your homework. No talking. One more outburst from you and you'll have detention after school."

       "Sorry," I said, trying my best not to burst into tears because my boyfriend no longer loved me. Was this his way of breaking up with me? If so, I was going to quit everything and stay locked up in my room for the rest of my life.

       I went back to work, but I couldn't really focus. Not because Dane broke my heart, but because homework was just so boring. I couldn't wait until I was out of school so I wouldn't have to be concerned with homework anymore, but I still had one more year left. 

       Maybe I should just drop out of school. 

       Well, my parents wouldn't let me, unfortunately. So I guessed I had to put up with it for now.

       Once the class ended, I quickly packed up my belongings to get out of this cursed building. But first, I had to deal with the fact that my boyfriend said he didn't like me anymore.

       I stood beside his desk as he was packing up. He didn't even look at me as he said, "Zion, I can tell that you're pouting."

       I huffed. "I am not pouting."

       Dane looked at me, then he snorted. "Right? So what's that on your face if it's not a pout?"

       "Hey, you're the one who said you didn't like me."



       "It was a joke. You know that I love you."

       I smiled at him. "I know. Now hurry up so we can get out of here. I don't want to be in school anymore."

       "Relax, it doesn't take me an hour to pack," Dane said, shoving everything into his backpack. 

       The two of us left the classroom and then the school, not having to go to our lockers, thankfully. I hated having to go to mine. Mostly because it was messy. Every time I opened it, there was a very high chance that something would fall out of it.

       I could always organize it, but it would end up getting messy again, which would mean I would have to organize it yet another time. It would be easier for me to just deal with it when I have to empty it when the school year ends.

       Dane kept telling me I shouldn't be messy, but he also told me not to flood the popcorn machine at work and we all knew how that went.

       We get to the parking lot, though we soon have to go separate ways since we both took our own cars to school. Before we went to our respective vehicles, Dane said, "By the way, I'm working on a very special surprise for you."

       "Well, now I'm curious," I said. "And since I'm curious, you have to tell me."

       "I can't exactly tell you," Dane said. "That's what a surprise means. But I will tell you that it does have to do with your career."

       "What career? My movie theatre one or singing one?"

       Dane didn't give me an answer. He just kissed my cheek before saying, "I'll see you later," then heading towards his car.

       Well, that was rude.

       But now I couldn't stop thinking about what this surprise was that Dane was working on. Of course, it obviously had to do with my singing career. I was stupid enough to think it had to do with me working at the theatre. You know, unless Dane found a way for me to quit or get fired, but I doubt that was going to happen any time soon.

       Honestly, though, I didn't care that my parents wouldn't let me quit. In fact, I was grateful about it. It gave me some money and I didn't have to ask my parents for money. They totally would give me money if I asked, but it taught me some responsibility.

       I say as I wasn't responsible enough to keep my locker clean. Or do my homework without being reminded. Or study for a test without being reminded. Or keep my room organized. Or a bunch of other things.

       I walked over to my car, but I had to wait for Alika. She didn't take too long, thankfully. At least she would tell me whenever she was running late so I wouldn't be wondering where she was.

       "You know, everyone in my grade has been talking about you," Alika said as she got into the passenger seat of my car while I got into the driver's seat.

       "As they should," I said. "But... Why are they talking about me?"

       "Honestly, I'm not sure," Alika said. "I think people are just excited that there's an upcoming celebrity at our school. They'll probably be the type of people to be like 'Oh, I went to school with Zion and we were the best of friends'. And then I'll one up them and say 'I'm actually his sister'."

       "I'm so glad you'll be trying to ride on my coattail."

       "That's what sisters are for."


ooh i wonder what dane is planning????

also i love how dramatic zion is. 

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