Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


       "Did you get my email?" Dane suddenly asked as he approached me while I was at my locker.

       I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at my boyfriend. "Email? Who still sends emails these days?"

       "A lot of people," Dane said. "The record label, gigs people get booked at, the school..."

       "The school?" I asked. "Since when has the school sent emails?"

       "Since they started incorporating electronics into the curriculum, like, five years ago," Dane said. "Do you not check your emails?"

       I grabbed my notebook for first period out of my locker before shutting the door close. "Not really. If people really want to tell me something important, they should text me. I get notifications for texts on my lock screen. None for emails."

       "Okay, but you're still going to need to read the email I forward you."

       I took my cell phone out of my back pocket to check the email Dane really wanted me to read, despite knowing I respond better to texts. Sometimes even calls, but only if it was Dane because I loved listening to his voice.

       But like Dane said, he forwarded me the email so it wasn't his choice to send whatever it was by that method.

       The email Dane wanted me to read was the first one and once I read it, I said, "You're joking. You're pulling my leg. You're... another synonym for joking."

       "Zion, you know I would never joke about your career," Dane said. "That email is one hundred percent real. You've gotten so much attention the past couple weeks, so I thought this was the best idea to heighten your career even more."

       I smiled widely at Dane before pulling him into a hug, lifting him off the ground and spinning him around. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

       Dane laughed. "You don't have to thank me, Zion. I'm technically your manager and agent, so of course I'm going to do stuff like this for you."

       I put Dane back on the ground before pressing my lips on his. I knew he was right when he said he was obviously going to do this stuff for me, but I was still so appreciative to have Dane in my life right now.

       "Do you two ever breathe?" I heard my sister suddenly ask.

       I pulled away from Dane and looked at Alika. "Seriously? This is the first time I've kissed him in the hallway. We rarely show PDA, actually."

       "Except for hugging," Dane said. "You're kind of a clingy person."

       I wasn't even gong to deny it because, yes, I loved hugging Dane. He was a such a huggable person. Which was probably why I opted into giving him right now, also to rub my loving relationship in my sister's face.

       Dane rolled his eyes, but hugged me back nonetheless before looking at Alika. "Zion's just happy because I got him an interview on a talk show in two weeks, and he'll be performing a song from the album on it too."

       "Oh my gosh, really?" Alika asked. "That's amazing. Look at you, your career is really moving along. Also, I want to pick out your outfit for that night because no offence, but you don't have the best sense of fashion."

       "Okay, that is not true," I said. "I have an excellent sense of fashion."

       "I know you do, but I also really want to brag about dressing someone who's going on a talk show. I do want to go to school for fashion design so this will be really good practice."

       "Well, I can't say no to that. Plus, that will give me less to think about. I'll have more time to, I don't know, nap or something."

       Dane sighed. "Or maybe you can choose the song you're going to perform and rehearse that?"

       "Yeah, maybe. It depends how I'm feeling. Maybe I'll nap, maybe I'll rehearse. We'll see."

       I actually was happy Alika offered to pick out my outfit for the talk show. She did have a better sense of fashion than me, I'll admit. I mean, it also helped that she sewed her own clothes sometimes. She usually made her own dresses for school dances, as well.

       She was very talented.

       Throughout my classes, all I could think about was the talk show even though it wasn't going to be for two weeks. I still had to pick a song, rehearse the song, make sure the usual members of the band could make it, not tell Carrie so she didn't try poaching my band.

       I still couldn't believe she did that before. There was more than enough room in the entertainment industry for the two of us, but it could be because she was still upset Dane was my songwriter now.

       Maybe if she treated Dane like the talented guy he was, he would still be working with her.

       Actually, I was glad she decided to be a jerk because then I wouldn't be working with Dane right now, and I was so glad I got to know him better.

       It wasn't until lunch that Dane and I could actually discuss the talk show. I tried doing it during class, but I got a lot of harsh glares from my teachers whenever I started talking. I was kind of surprised they weren't already used to my behaviour.

       "I have an idea about the song you can sing," Dane said. "The first one that we wrote together after we started dating. The record label said it was their favourite song, and I honestly think that it's going to be a hit. Also, it's one of the songs that's going to be a single, so I think it's important to get people excited for it."

       "That's a great idea," I said. "It's a good thing I work with someone who already has experience in the entertainment industry because I think I would totally be lost without you."

       "Well, if you didn't have me, it would probably be ideal to get a manager and an agent, so you wouldn't actually doing all this stuff alone."

       "Just take the compliment, Dane."

       Dane smiled at me. "Fine, I'm glad I get to work with you, too."


i missed these two a lot <3 i even knew what i wanted to write for this chapter, but idk why i didn't decide to work on it until now.

anyway, i feel like the first book will probably end at either chapter 45 or 50, but there will be a sequel because i'm way too attached to my characters to just give them one book lol

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