"Yes, Your Majesty. May I withdraw?"

"Good. Yes."

He bows and leaves the room. I return my attention to the letter I am holding.

King Edward Westwood

I was wondering if you could join me for a private lunch today. Lunch will take place at one. Please let me know as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Lady Angele Fleming

I set the note from Lady Angele Fleming to the side and pull a sheet of paper to me. I would rather eat with the Duchess Anna Deucht. I quickly scrawl a response to Lady Fleming.

Lady Angele Fleming,

I thank you for the invitation but I already have plans for lunch.

His Most Royal Majesty,

King Edward Westwood I

Then I scrawl a quick invitation to the Duchess Anna Deucht.

Duchess Anna Deucht,

I would appreciate the opportunity to speak more with you. I am inviting you to have a private lunch with me in the north parlor at one today. If you accept please send a note back with my footman. There is also no need to dress fancily.

King Edward I


I address the letters as Brodie walks into the room. He bows and stands in front of my desk. He takes the empty mail tray from the side of my desk and holds it out for the two letters I hold. I place the letters on the tray and Brodie gives a short bow and walks out of the room.


I grab my jacket off the back of my chair and quickly throw it on and button it up. I leave my study and lock the door behind me. I walk through the halls until I reach the north wing. I enter the north parlor and sit on the loveseat next to the window. I wait for a few minutes before checking my pocket watch. 12:58. I stand, walk to the window, and watch the people below. A knock sounds as the door opens and the Duchess Anna Deucht walks through the doorway. "Good afternoon Duchess."

"Good afternoon your Majesty."

She sits in the chair near the bookshelf and I take my seat by the window. The cooks come in carrying trays of food and goblets of wine. They set everything on the table and leave the room. The door closes and I take a sip of wine. We begin to fill our plates with food and eat the meal that has been prepared. Roast pheasant, rolls, and tarts. "What did you wish to speak about Your Majesty?"

"Whatever you wish, after all I must get to know the noblewomen after my heart."

"Very well Your Majesty. Your late wife, did you love her?"

"I only knew her for a year, I think that love would've come later. I would like to believe that we had become very good friends in the year we were married."

"Understood. Was this competition your idea?"

"No, Henry Lawson and Thomas Alby sprung the idea on me and invited everyone to the palace fourteen hours after Alexandrina died. I don't like the idea, having thirty women compete for your heart.. It's not honorable."

"Then why?"

"As much as I hate to admit it, I need a wife to stand by my side."

She smiles, "Everyone needs someone to stand by their side Your Majesty. There is no shame in admitting it."

"Perhaps I should just hire you to be one of my advisors."

"My mother would not be pleased. After all, I was not sent to win your hand, only a greater alliance with Umen."

"What has been proposed?"

"More trade, open borders, and things of that sort."

"That sounds doable."

"Tell me Your Majesty, what do you want in your next wife?"

"A friend, someone where love will go both ways, kind, not a typical queen."

"Someone no one whould think of."


"Someone who right now is hiding in the shadows, because the gossip of the court is not her forte."

"You are correct again Duchess."

"I have a gift, King Edward."

"That is true to the highest degree."

"You flatter me Your Majesty."

"Then I hope we will be good acquaintances during your stay at the palace?"


"Have you planned your costume for the masquerade yet?"

"Not really."

"The ball is in a week!"

"I know, I only have the concept idea planned out. I might just let my seamstress go crazy."

"Interesting idea."

She takes another sip of wine. "Who has caught your eye so far Your Majesty?"

"Ahh, now you are trying to learn my plans."

She laughs. "I will not tell you her name. She is a lady from no island. She does not have fair hair. I will not be sending her home anytime soon."

"All you've done is eliminate the women from Aral and all of the blonde women."

"I gave you information."

"Very well Your Majesty. You have given me information. I suppose I should be grateful."

"No need Duchess. Consider the information a gift."

"A gift?"

"Do with the information what you will."

"Ah, I see, thank you."

"It is the least I can do."

She raises her goblet to me and takes a sip, satisfaction shining in her eyes.

A/N: Black lives matter, LGBTQ+ lives matter, I don't care you who are, who you love, how you identify yourself, you matter and you are wonderful.

Thank you for reading, please vote or comment if you enjoyed the chapter. -M

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