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We returned from our trip, and Caleb called us down to the station. I didn't know what to expect coming into the station. Presley and I entered and stopped. I looked at the station, remembering what happened.

"You okay?" Presley asked me.

I sighed. "I didn't understand how difficult it would be to come back here," I answered, looking at Presley.

"Do you want to see if we can transfer to another station when you return?" Presley asked me.

"No, because then Martinez wins. I can't let fear rule me," I reasoned.

Presley gave my hand a gentle squeeze. We went into the office to see Caleb and another guy in there. We sat down in the chairs in front of Caleb's desk.

"Jaime, what are you doing here?" Presley asked.

"I came to inform you that Martinez took the deal. Because of the statements of most women who he attacked, including Hathaway and Kaylee, he'll be serving jail time along with registering as a sex offender. His dad is serving a lesser sentence because of working with us. It's over," Jaime informed us.

I felt relief wash over me and let out a breath. People don't understand what it's like to be a woman and worrying about your safety. When someone attacks you and tries to assault you, you develop fear. The whole concept that boys will be boys is ridiculous. No, boys are assholes if they do that.

"It's funny, I'm told what to wear, how to act, and made to feel ashamed that I'm a woman. The night that Martinez attacked me, I was wearing my uniform and doing my job. Why should I worry?" I asked as they looked at me.

"You shouldn't and never feel you have to," Caleb told me. "That's why I'm implementing a plan that protects our female first responders and educating the male first responders. Everyone should feel safe without judgment when they come to work and helping people. Trust is vital for our jobs, and you need to trust your partner."

What Caleb said was true. Your partner has your back. If you can't trust them, then how can you do your job? You can't.

"The one thing I learned in law is that you fight for people who need it. The ones that can't fight so that people hear their voice. Plus, if I don't fight for justice, my wife will slap me into the next county," Jaime said, making Presley and Caleb chuckle.

"I'm just glad that it's over," I said, sighing.

We got up and left the office, and Presley introduced me to Ryker.

"Ryker, this is Kaylee," Presley introduced us.

"It's nice meeting you. Gray won't stop talking about you," Ryker said.

I looked at Presley strangely as he rolled his eyes.

"That sounds familiar," I mentioned.

"Yeah, I miss you," Presley said, making Ryker and me laugh.

"How's the job?" I asked.

"It's one of the better stations I worked at than I did. It seems the Captain cares about his first responders. That's a sign of an outstanding leader," Ryker explained.

"Caleb is like his dad, Cayson," Presley mentioned.

"I heard about Cayson Gray. He set the bar on how first responders should react and handle situations," Ryker told us.

"It's because Uncle Cayson loved his job," Presley reasoned.

Ryker nodded. We talked some more, then left. Presley and I walked, holding hands. We made our way to the bakery to meet Nora, Skylar, and Mason. After everything that happened, I'm glad everyone worked out their differences. Support is vital after a traumatic event.

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