Sweet dreams

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After two weeks, I settled into a routine. I went to school, slept, and worked. I became used to Kaylee's talkative nature but still didn't say much to her. I let her do most of the talking.

I continued my counseling sessions with Dr. Shaw. Maverick recommended the doctor to me. I would see his son, but Maverick informed me that Dr. Shaw is better equipped to handle grief.

My dreams got weirder every time I slept. Do you know how disturbing it is to talk to a woman who's dead? It's alarming.

I felt something hit me in the face, startling me awake. I opened my eyes and jolted up to see Grammy Gray standing there.

"It's about time that you woke up," Grammy told me.

"Don't you have people to haunt?" I questioned.

"I have many people in this family to haunt, but I chose you," Grammy answered, grinning.

I looked at Grammy with annoyance.

"Oh, don't be a sourpuss. It's not like I have anything better to do, considering I'm dead," Grammy said, shrugging.

I stood up and looked at Grammy.

"So, you thought you would annoy me?" I questioned.

"Don't be a twit. No one likes a smart ass twit," Grammy remarked.

"No one enjoys speaking to a bat shit crazy dead person, but here we are," I retorted, holding my arms out.

"Enough about why people love me, what about you?" Grammy asked.

"Who says anyone loves you?" I asked.

"Listen, jackass, everyone loves me, and I saw everyone bawl like a baby at my funeral. Now, back to the matter at hand. When will you stop moping?" Grammy questioned.

"I'm not moping," I replied.

"Yeah, yeah, you lost someone. Big deal. We all lost someone. I lost Gray, who left me to deal with our idiot sons and equally idiot grandchildren. You don't see me wallowing in self-pity," Grammy mentioned.

"Look, unlike other people, I refuse to move on to someone new. Why are you here?" I asked, getting irritated.

"I'm here to help you because heaven knows you need it," Grammy informed me.

"I don't need your or anyone else's help. I'm fine," I said.

"So you say, but I don't believe you, you lying sack of shit. Let me tell you something, mini-Lex. Do not piss me off. I'm in no mood for your shenanigans," Grammy told me, waving her pointer finger at me.

"Go haunt someone else, you crazy bat," I huffed.

"Suit yourself. Don't say I didn't warn you," Grammy replied, then disappeared.

The next thing I knew, someone woke me up. I opened my eyes and screamed, falling out of bed with a thud.

"What the hell is your problem?" Parker asked.

I stood up and glared at Parker.

"Do you want to eat or not?" Parker asked me.

"What is with everyone waking me?" I mumbled.

"Huh?" Parker asked.

"Nothing," I answered. My phone beeped, and I picked it up.

Feel like a coffee? - Nora

Yeah, let me get dressed. - me

See you in a few. - Nora

"Who's that?" Parker questioned.

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