"I didn't want you to die. I didn't understand, but I do now. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"It wouldn't make a difference. The outcome would be the same. Our paths lead us directly to the person it destines us," Eliza answered.

"I could have helped," I reasoned.

"I know that's why you're a good guy. You would help anyone. But it's time to let me go. You don't want your memory to stand in the way of your future. Your future's so bright that you have to wear shades," Eliza said, reminding me of what we told each other when we had a rough day.

"Because the shade helps us make our destination," I added. Eliza smiled.

"Goodbye, Presley," Eliza told me.

"Bye, Eliza," I replied as she disappeared.

I turned and looked at Grammy, who stood there, smiling.

"People talk about you a lot," I mentioned.

"That doesn't surprise me because I'm a delightful person," Grammy retorted.

"You left a legacy, didn't you?" I asked.

"No," Grammy answered.

I looked at Grammy with confusion.

"I left my immortality," Grammy smirked, then disappeared.

Our legacy is our immortality, and it begins with our children. Damn, I didn't see that coming.

I heard someone calling me, then felt a tap on my face as I woke up to see Kaylee. I pulled her to me and pressed my lips to hers. She kissed me back.


Presley was making out on the couch and disturbing as the others were hanging out while Payton and Shaun were cooking. I went outside and found Skylar. I wrapped my arms around her.

"That was a sweet thing that you did with Nora," Skylar told me.

"I didn't want my anger to ruin my happiness. Plus, Nora didn't deserve it," I reasoned.

Skylar leaned the back of her head on my chest. It was a sweet moment until Markus interrupted it.

"You and I got to talk," Markus said to me.

"I'm having a moment with my girl," I countered.

"Have your moment later," Markus ordered, grabbing my arm and dragging me away.

Markus walked as he dragged me behind him until we were out of earshot from everyone. He released my arm.

"If you want to redeem yourself, then you and I are working together," Markus informed me.

"Redeem me with what?" I asked.

"Nora," Markus told me.

"I apologized to Nora. We're good," I replied.

"Little cousin, we're half Grays, which means we must carry out our legacy," Markus said.

I arched an eyebrow; then it hit me.

"We do not involve ourselves in anything," I told Markus.

"Want to bet?" Markus asked with a look.

"You can't be serious," I said incredulously.

"Oh, I'm serious and tired of playing ring around the dipstick, staring Nora and Matthew," Markus replied.

"Matthew thinks Nora has a man," I responded.

The Gray Family: Legacies✔️(Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now