"Are you done with this?" My mom motions to the bowls.

"Oh yeah, I'll get it later." I say dismissively as my mom gets up, grabbing the bowls with a scowl. "Or not."

I purse my lips and cross my arms as I try to ignore my mother, grumbling to herself in my kitchen.

"Relax." Robert mutters, an arm around my waist and pulling me to his side.

"I'm fine."

"Then stop with the murder face." He says.

I sigh. "Fine, now shut up." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Face hasn't changed."

I lift my head, turning to face my fiance. As I start to speak, Robert leans over, pressing his lips to mine, cupping my face with one hand.

"Mik, where do you - what are you doing?"

Robert and I pull apart as my mom gawks from the kitchen.

"Uh let's finish this tomorrow, I'm going to bed." I say as I get up.

"Yeah, I'm not far behind." Robert says as I walk down the hall to our room.

I shut the door behind me, stretching out on the bed, then reaching and taking one of the books off my nightstand and opening it to the marked page.

After a few minutes, Robert walks in, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Oh dear god!" He groans, collapsing onto the bed.

"Two days babe, two days." I say mockingly, reaching over and playing with his hair.

"Yeah, I'm seeing why they annoy you." He says.

I smile. "And it's just one of them."

Robert rolls over and sits up. "Longest two days ever, calling it now."

"Welcome to my life, enjoy your stay in my personal hell." I say as he changes clothes.

"I thought you were exaggerating, but fuck me! She's crazy." Robert says as he lays back on the bed.

I close my book, putting my book away. "She's still my mother."

"Ooh now you're defending her!" Robert laughs as he turns to face me.

"I'm not." I say.

"Okay, well look, despite her being all kinds of nutty, she seems great." Robert says as he sets a hand on my leg.

"Yeah...she has her moments." I nod.

"You okay?" Robert asks, furrowing his brow.

"I'm fine, just thinking about how you said 'fuck me' and how I want to." I smile.

"Way to take it out of context." He says, pulling me closer.

"You know how I am!" I joke, shrugging one shoulder before setting my hands on his chest.

"Your mum is down the hall."

I sigh. "Don't remind me." I groan.

Robert chuckles softly. "It doesn't mean we can't have some fun!" He says, pulling me onto his lap.

I smile briefly as he brings my lips to his.


First, allow me to apologize for not updating for almost 2 months, life has been crazy and highly depressing recently but I'm coming around.

Second, holy shit over 9,000 reads!? I love you guys!! Seriously, sending a big, virtual hug to all of you because honestly, I didn't think this would be such a successful book. Just, wow. Thank you. It really makes me happy to know people enjoy what I write.

In other news, I got a new job, training starts soon, so I'm gonna have money to buy Starkid merch! And also food and new clothes, and merch from my various other fandoms... but we don't have time to get into those!!

Also in other news, y'all, I just realized my b-day is in like 2 weeks. What the hell? I swear it was just January. This year guys, this year has been one hell of ride and it's barely half over. Oh sweet lord, the year is barely half over...

Well that's enough existential dread for today! Hope you all have a great summer, and come back next week for another great chapter and my random-ass ramblings!

(Also like recommend some shit on netflix i should watch, I've rewatched Stranger Things like 5 times since mid May)


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