Chapter 8

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I shift, rolling from my back onto my side before starting to sit up.

Almost immediately, an arm wraps around my waist and I'm pulled back to the comforts of the bed.

I shift and look up at Robert.

"You're not getting away this time."

"Well good morning to you too." I joke before leaning up and kissing him. "But I have some work to do."

"It's barely six, and we barely slept. It can wait a few hours." He says as I rest my head under his, almost on his chest.

"Mm just a few. But I'm gone no later than ten." I say as I cuddle against him, closing my eyes.

I feel Robert wrap his other arm around my shoulders, then kiss the top of my head.

~~~~ 2 months later ~~~~

I groan and stretch, opening my eyes to the increasingly familiar details of Robert's room.

Turning to my side, I frown at the empty bed before getting up.

I look around for my clothes, then sigh and grab a t-shirt off the top of Robert's dresser, pulling it on as I walk out of the room.

There's a loud bark as one of his dogs runs down the hall, jumping around me and on me.

"Alright, yeah hi!" I scratch the dog behind the ears before walking into the kitchen.

"What's this?" I say as I lean my head on Robert's shoulder.

"Breakfast, because you actually stayed long enough for once." He says as he turns and kisses me. "And what are you wearing?"

I finger the hem of the shirt I stole. "Well I couldn't find any of my clothes, I think they're either under your bed or in the living room, so I grabbed this."

"I love it." Robert smiles as he kisses me again, one hand across the back of my waist, the shirt riding up.

"Stop, I don't have anything else on." I laugh, gently pushing him away.

"It's just us here. And it's nothing I haven't seen before." He says.

"Well, I don't want this food to go to waste, or scar the dogs for life." I say.

"I am positive they would survive. Probably wouldn't even need therapy."

"And thank you, handsome, for humoring me." I roll my eyes.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" Robert kisses my cheek. "Go sit, this is almost done."

"Fine, but only if you watch my ass while I walk away." I joke.

Robert smiles and shakes his head. "Darling, I always watch you walk away. Your ass is amazing, how could I not?"

I gasp, a hand on my chest as I pretend to look scandalized. "You perv!"

"Go sit!" Robert laughs as I stretch up and kiss his cheek.

I glance over my shoulder as I make my way out of the kitchen. "You aren't watching!"

"That's because if I do, we won't eat breakfast." He says as I sit at the circular table.

A minute later, he steps out of the kitchen with two very full plates.

"Oh there is nothing better than a hot man bringing a homemade breakfast." I say as I pick up my fork and dig in.

"Don't objectify me."

I look up at Robert. "You're hot, talented, funny, kind, a sex machine and you can cook! Is there anything you can't do?"

"I can't whistle." He says.

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