Chapter 15

501 14 24

~~~~ mid November ~~~~

"Morning." Robert says as I shuffle to the kitchen.

I grab a water bottle and walk over to the couch, sitting down beside him.

"Plans for the day?"

"Yeah, a big whole office meeting and the other intern is probably getting the journalist position available, just in time for the big holiday travel article." I say bitterly.

"Which is the position you want." Robert notes.

I nod. "What about you?"

"Day off from work, so I'm here working on choreography."

"Lovely. Well, I gotta get ready." I say as I get back up, walking back to the bedroom.


I tap my foot impatiently, my phone against my ear.

"Hey babe."

"Hey, why are you out of breath?" I ask.

"Dance rehearsals for the show, last minute." Robert says.

I nod, forgetting he can't see me.

"I got five minutes, what's up?"

"Can you get the last week of November and the first week and a half of December off?" I ask.

"Probably, why?"

I smile. "I just have some traveling coming up for work."

"Holy shit you got the article! And the full-time -"

"I did! I got the journalist position!" I exclaim.

"Babe that's amazing! You worked so hard, you deserve this." Robert says, making me smile.

"Well, I think the selling point was wanting to do a take on it as a couple's get-away. But to do that, I need one important thing, and that is my handsome boyfriend to go with me." I say.

"I'll clear my schedule. But, you have to do something in return." He says.

I roll my eyes. "I already live with you and sleep with you, what else -"

"I'm visiting my family for Christmas, I want you to come."

"Oh!" I blink a few times. "Sure."

"Alright, well it sounds like you're on the way to the apartment, put on something cute. I'm taking you to celebrate tonight." Robert says.


"So, uh a toast to you getting the promotion."

I lift my glass, lightly tapping it against Robert's.

"God, I'm just so - you deserve this so much." He says smiling at me.

"I'm still shocked." I shake my head. "I honestly thought it would go to Graham, he's such a kiss-up."

Robert laughs. "Well clearly they know how to spot talent and now my girlfriend is a fully fledged, fully credited, has her own by-line journalist!"

I blush a little, his volume attracting looks from other diners. "Babe..."

"And they're paying you to travel, paying for hotels and dining."

"Robert!" I raise my voice a little, his blue eyes widening.

"Sorry, I - I'm just to excited and happy for you. Just wanna be a proud boyfriend and spoil you." He says sheepishly.

"I love you for that and all, but babe lower the volume." I say with a laugh.

Robert reaches across the table, his hand over mine.

So I'm hella bored, have another chapter. I gotta stop updating this when I'm bored or it'll be finished by like Feb 2nd!

Anyways, um I've decided that Clark Baxtresser is extremely hot and sexy and I love him despite the fact he is too old for me... 12 years isn't too bad is it???? (really hope i didn't just give away my age 😨)
Seriously his voice in Ani was just 😍😍😍
If a voice could make you pregnant, that'd be his, okay?

And again, what the fuck is the point of these blurbs? They're so fucking useless, I'm gonna stop (probably not)


i swear this is the last chapter until next week
(maybe not, we'll see😉)

Loved and AliveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora