Chapter 10

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I sniff and look up as a knock comes from my front door.

Uncurling myself from the couch, I stand up and look out the peep before turning the lock and cracking it open.


"Hey." I say softly, opening the door wider.

"I know you said you wanted to be alone, but I just didn't feel okay with that." Robert says, setting a bag on the table.

"Probably a good idea." I mutter.

"So, I brought ice cream, cheesecake, sour gummy worms, hot chocolate, and," Robert reaches into the bag one last time. "A comfy jacket from my closet."

"Thank you." I say, reaching for the jacket.

"And, I'm down for a couple hours of Gilmore Girls." He says.

I laugh a little. "You're amazing." I say, hugging him, my head on his chest against his heart.

"Alright, go get comfy." Robert says, draping the jacket over my shoulders and leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"Ice cream first?" I shuffle back to the couch.

"Well yeah, don't want it to melt." Robert steps into my kitchenette. "Spoons?"

"Left hand of stove, top drawer." I say.

A second later Robert sits beside me on the couch, handing me a carton of mint chip and a spoon.

"Seemed like a straight from the container night." He says as I pry off the lid, tossing it to my coffee table, pulling Netflix up with my free hand.

I turn, curling against Robert as the show starts, scooping out a heaping of ice cream.

Glancing up I see Robert smiling at me.

"Can I help you?" I lift my eyebrows in a questioning look.

He shakes his head. "Lost in thought."

I nod. "Weirdo." I tease, bumping him with my shoulder.

"That I am." He agrees, taking a spoonful of my ice cream.

Robert pauses the show, then turns to face me. "Okay, what's the full story?"

"Um...she's with one guy who has the personality of white bread, but the super hot bad-boy Jess likes her and she likes him so-"

"Between you and your parents." Robert clarifies.

I chew on my bottom lip. "We started fighting more after I turned eighteen because I was starting to become more independent. Our big fight was when I announced I was moving out here for college." I say, picking at my t-shirt. "Eventually, they agreed to co-sign my apartment and help me with rent, only if I visit on holidays and birthdays or whatever. Then I got my roommate so they weren't paying anything, and they did not like that."

"Okay, keep going." Robert frowns.

"That started round two, because my former roommate is trans and bisexual. Then came my internship at the magazine, and I picked up a third major and now I don't have the time to visit. Oh, and I have four tattoos." I finish.

"What the fuck? They're mad because you took control of your life? I mean, my parents were upset when I moved from Australia, but they understood!"

I shake my head. "Please don't try to make this better."

"Then what can I do? I don't like seeing you like this." Robert says.

I close my eyes, then shift on the couch, burrowing against him as a few tears trickle down my cheeks.

Robert wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer.

I sit up, wiping my face. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm so upset."

"It's okay." He smiles.

"No it's not! Because I'm not upset about what they said about me! I was fine until he mentioned you, saying things he knew nothing about! A-and I don't like it when someone says horrible things about the people I love." I say, then cover my mouth.

"What?" Robert looks at me, his eyes wide.

"Nothing, ignore me. I - I don't know what I'm saying, I'm all emotional and shit." I get up, grabbing the empty containers and dirty dishes, carrying them to the kitchen.


"I think I'm going to bed earlier, I'm sure you can show yourself out." I say as I turn, almost crashing into my boyfriend.

"Will you look at me please?" He asks softly.

"I misspoke, okay? I didn't -"

Robert cuts me off, cupping my cheeks, kissing me gently and sweetly.

I blink a few times, meeting his eyes.

"I love you." He says with a smile.

"You do?" I ask in a whisper.

Robert nods. "Of course, how could I not?"

I smile, bringing my hands to my face as I feel a blush creep up my cheeks. Moving my hands, I hug Robert, burying my face in his shirt.

I look back up at his smiling face. "Okay, we have two episodes until we reach the third season."

Robert laughs. "God, I love you." He says, kissing me again.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing that." I say, shaking my head.

"As long as you believe me."

I hum in thought, moving my arms around the back of his neck. "Not sure."

"Well then, I guess I'll have to say it all the time." Robert says as he puts his arms around my waist, his hands on my lower back.

"Say what all the time?" I ask, smiling coyly.

"I love you." Robert kisses me.

I smile and lean back. "I love you."

Robert grins, kissing me again.

"Alright, Gilmore Girls awaits!" I say, slipping out of his grasp.

"And she's back!" Robert laughs as he follows me back to the couch.

I curl up against his side, my head on his shoulder as he unpauses the show, one arm snaking around my waist.

Shifting, I lift my head and kiss his cheek. "I love you."

Robert looks at me. "I love you. Now be quiet and watch your show."

I scoff. "Asshole." I lay my head back on his shoulder.


I twist, looking upside down at him.

"Have you told anyone other than your sister about us?" He asks.

"Umm our mutual friend Mariah. Why?" I ask.

Robert shrugs. "I want people to know, wanna show off my girlfriend."

I smile. "Okay. I mean, didn't have to ask my permission, but it's sweet you did."

Robert leans over and kisses me. "Now be quiet and watch your show." He says.

"You're the one who started talking." I say defensively.

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