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It's gonna have gore, just mentions of blood and shizz- I'm not good at writing gore, just a heads-up :P

This is gonna be 3rd Person POV


everyone in the gym stood there powerless, unable to do anything as they saw the claw-like machine grip tightly around kokichi's throat.

panic set into his eyes as kokichi realized what was happening, and that he could die, and he began thrashing around, desperate to escape the clutches of the claws around his through and waist, hold his arms tight around his small torso.

one small claw then appeared on the screen, a needle with a clear green liquid in it. kokichi's eyes landed on it, and muffled yells could be heard past the metal gag he had lodged in his throat.

there was a spotlight that turned on, which also revealed that the gag was attatched to a headset tightly held on kokichi's head, preventing them from coming off despite kokichi's constant and violent thrashing.

the needle was stabbed into the small part of kokichi's neck that wasn't held by the claw and slowly the liquid seeped into his body. kokichi froze and started shaking- it was obvious that the liquid was hurting him.

monokuma turned to the viewing students and grinned wider than anyone ever saw him.

"that needle just injected a little something i like to call 'the ultimate punishment'~! basically no matter what those machines do or how painful, dangerous, or blood-splattering it is, your little friend here can't die or even pass out! isn't that so despair inducing~? puhuhuhuhu~"

monokuma laughed as the monocubs stood there, not exactly feeling pleasant at the thought of a deathless punishment. 

kiibo and shuichi both felt their hearts stop for a second, the image of kokichi never dying, never being able to pass out no matter how much blood loss there was, hit them like a truck.

how kokichi would cry out in pain, beg for death, but being forced to live through all the pain he'd ever experience, not even allowed a moment of relief to lose consciousness. 

himiko suddenly stepped forward, fear implanted on her face.

"but that's not fair! even if he doesn't die, i can't imagine how painful this will be because of how many of us don't even like him!" she cried out, stunning all of us. usually himiko would be too lazy to protest much, but seeing her defend someone, let alone kokichi, someone she didn't like either, was something no one thought they'd really ever see.

soon enough, other students stepped forward- kaede, rantaro, kirumi, even ryoma and tenko, then everyone. the sound of yelling in protest got to monokuma, and he covered his ears and yelled-


everyone went silent, realizing that whatever pain kokichi were to be put through, would be their own fault. it was a majority vote, and it was easy to tell who is was that voted for kokichi, since they backed away from the group and kept their heads low.

kaito. maki. tenko. miu. himiko. korekiyo. angie. tsumugi. ryoma.

kiibo noticed that shuichi was glaring daggers at kaito and maki, and they seemed to almost shrivel under his gaze, maki looking down and kaito lightly sweating, staring off to the side, obviously uncomfortable.

kiibo found his eyes returning their attention to the screen, scanning over the sight of kokichi, trying to take in what happened while he wasn't looking.

there was a machine with sharp edges slicing repeatedly at kokichi, his right sleeve torn with a long bleeding scratch. kiibo watched the machine leave two large gashes on the bridge of kokichi's nose, and almost didn't hear the yelp of pain that escaped from the gagged mouth of the small leader. 

it was clear how much pain the small boy was in, yet there weren't any tears visible... how odd.

with their eyes returning to the screen one by one, each of the students watched as the supreme leader was practically torn apart after 2 minutes, many cuts and gashes bleeding out on his arms, legs and chest.

his right sleeve was gone and his left sleeve was halfway torn off, his pants having cuts all along the sides and a large hole in the middle of his shirt.

kokichi couldn't hide most of his fear and pain by this point, and he let a few tears slip out of his eyes.

we watched as a whole new wave of machines approached the dark lavender haired boy, the cutting one retreating into the darkness of the corner of the screen.

there were drills, more claws, and a few that none of the students could identify...because all of a sudden the screen went black.

monokuma noticed and a look of panic could be seen, as he started muttering curses and took the screen down and opened a thin panel in the back and began adjusting some wires.

he then put the machine down in frustration, and faced the students.

"ughhh, it seems like i used a wee bit too much machinery, so the screen overloaded, LOL. doesn't really matter though, his punishment should end soon~!" monokuma laughed and pranced out of the gym, the monokubs hesitantly following him.

the students all stood there, fear keeping them planted there. 

tenko hesitantly tried to say something, maybe to reassure the girls, but couldn't find the right words and remained silent.

"soo... what do we do now..?" korekiyo spoke quietly from the back of the group, a few people turning and shrugging.

"maybe we should try to find out where kokichi is, and help him when the punishment is over!" kaede exclaimed, a determined look on her face. it wavered a bit at the sight of some people grumbling in annoyance, not liking the idea of helping kokichi after getting what they believe he deserved.

"yeah...that's a good idea..." shuichi murmured, and reluctantly some people agreed.

kaede nodded and smiled.

"we can have about five of us go to check on him. it'll be me and shuichi and three more of you guys, anyone who'd like to volunteer?" kaede asked, looking around the room.

kiibo was obviously the first one to step forward, determined to assist kokichi in the state he may be returning to them in.

angie followed, claiming that even though he could be difficult, atua thought that kokichi and her were meant to be friends.

rantaro finally came forward, thinking of how much kokichi felt like a little sibling to him, and how he felt like he needed to protect him and make sure he was okay.

with that, the five ultimates set off in search of where monokuma was keeping the small supreme leader.



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