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Hey thereee dis gon be in Kiiboi's POV teehee


if i had a human heart, it would have stopped right then and there.

nine votes?? that's more than half of us!

how many of the nine are trying to kill ouma?

i glanced over at ouma, and i'd expect him to be a bit scared, let his mask down a bit, considering how much people hate him. there was such a large chance he wouldn't make it out of that punishment alive, and i don't think ouma is the type to just let his life be thrown away for the satisfaction of others.

but the sight i was greeted with was much more...despairing.

i felt my blue orbs widen as i took in the sight of ouma's expression, not missing any details.

the first real analysis i've ever been able to do.

the first analysis where he wasn't holding up a facade, a mask to hide whatever secrets he's held inside, every fake smile and false laugh exposed and torn and thrown to the side, leaving only reality. only what ouma really felt.

and it wasn't a lovely sight.

there stood ouma, head bowed slightly with a dark aura emitting from him, the shadows on his face almost concealing the tears in his dark violet eyes. his eyebrows slightly furrowed, his gaze was fixated on the floor, the tears threatening to spill. in the instant before his mask was let back up, he locked eyes with me, and gave me a faint smile.

a genuine smile.

as if ouma didn't believe he'd make it out alive, either.

his mask returned, the tears gone as he blinked them away, and he lifted his head back up, forcing a relaxed, almost blank expression.

"so~, what's  my punishment, monokuma?" ouma pondered, crossing his arms and keeping his eyes on the dual colored bear.

monokuma laughed, "i thought you'd never ask~!"

the way he said 'never' sounded deep and glitched, and sent rippled of discomfort through the others and myself.

at that moment, the monocubs that had before been standing beside their father, charged forward and seized ouma, knocking him over and forcing a muzzle into his mouth. (if you've seen demon slayer, it's similar to Nezuko's muzzle, but it's metal.) 

ouma's mask seemed to slip off again, and the fear was obvious in his widened eyes as the monocubs dragged him to a claw-type thing in the corner of the gym that had just appeared.

they forced him upward, the gasps and mutters of the other students echoing throughout the gym as the claw tightly gripped around his neck, and he was quickly dragged upwards into another room.

suddenly a screen sprouted from the middle of the gym floor, and it displayed a large room with several torture objects. 

ouma appeared on screen, being pulled into a large chair with metal cuffs, the cuffs activating and holding down his wrists, ankles, and hips as soon as he was forcibly sat down.

the claw disappeared above somewhere not shown on the screen, and monokuma's laughter was heard as we all watched ouma struggle in the chair.

as i watched ouma's mask slipping off again, fear emitting in his eyes, all i heard was monokuma's voice as several machines in the room whirred to life.

"let's give it eeeverything we've got! iiiit's punishment timee~!"


uhhhh I'm not good at writing about gore and stuff so idk how I'll portray the next chapter teehee

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